Multiplayer connection issues

Anyone esle getting issues connecting directly to IP?
With all ports forward also I still cannot host a game.
With all ports forward also I still cannot host a game.
Post edited by Fatal on
The developers are aware and, are trying to patch it accordingly. I have checked the twitter pages of the developers. They know.
I bought the game twice so my friend and I could slay in heroic style and I'm damned if I'm going to play without her.
It had better be worth the extra...extra wait.
There's also a bizarre crash on being unable to connect to a server. It's like the game throws a tantrum and just CTDs or goes non-responsive if it can't initially make the connection.
There is absolutely no way they were unaware of most of the bugs still present when they finaly released it. All a tester would've had to do is try to connect with 3 ore more party members and the biggest bug would've shown itself. It happened to 9 different people / systems in my party in exactly the same way. They either knew about this and released it anyway, or did absolutely no testing. I don't know which would be worse.