Full Plate Armor from a Doppelganger? - Durlag's Tower / Labyrinth #2

Was going into the northern teleport room on the 2nd level of the Labyrinth under the tower (where the rooms lock). I knew Doppelgangers would pop up behind me so I mined the area with Skull Traps and a Glyph of Warding. When they popped in one exploded and one was critically injured (a magic missile finished him off). Was surprised that the one my traps got, was wearing Full Plate. I'm not sure if I killed him so fast, he popped different loot - or if this is random. When I reloaded and killed him normal (he still didn't change to a Doppelganger for some reason) this time he popped regular Plate Mail.
with wands of paralyzation even the doppleganger in durlag form can fail the save, and when he does, you owst him for his cool 3000 XP and sweetski suit of full plate mail
because if you dont get your full plates this way, then there are only 3 suits in the vanilla game, with EE adding in another one; if you dont mind power gaming and killing someone you shouldn't
Hey that works... I have 3 people that can use full plate in my party (since I dual-class Shar-Teel to a Fighter / Thief and she uses Drizzt's Chain... My two mages obviously go another route).
I usually get my full plates from the Firewine Ruins Ghosts - Is that the PGaming solution you are talking about? lol. Arrows of Detonation for the win.
for me, when i start in level 2 of durlag's basement, that beginning puzzle will summon a durlag dopplaganger 3 times, so i wand of paralyzation his bunions and grab x3 full plate mails right there, and then sometimes when i luck out if the torture chamber room has one or if one shows up from being interrupted by resting i can sometimes sneak another suit
Still doable, just takes time. Keep the one alive with the worst gear so you can complete the quest.