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[CONSOLE] In-game UI Option to change the speed of the game (framerate)

I would love to be able to speed up the game a bit (45-60 frames) on console. Mainly in BG:EE (playing on PS4), there are many large and empty areas and traveling through them can be boring. It also speed up long fights (dice rolls) which help you focus more on the tactical side of fight than watching 30 seconds of all characters standing and doing nothing (misses).

I love this option on PC (even this option is not directly in UI) and because you cannot change config files on console, UI option would help a lot.



  • XorinaXorina Member Posts: 140
    I sympathise, it does feel a vast territory. Today the worlds are comparitively tiny, yet I could suggest trying on a lovely pair of Boots of Speed, which almost always mean your characters get to hit first and have more attacks per round IIRC.
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