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Just a quick one. Accessing the console (EE)

Note: Flame if you like, but this is more for messing around that outright cheating, as well as testing some stuff

Simple question really. Can we still access the console in EE? the baldur.ini is laid out quite a bit differently, and I'm not entirely certain what, if any, lines I'd need to add to access the console like we did back in the original


  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Add this line to baldur.ini:
    'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1',
    Should work like you remember.
  • DaggarDaggar Member Posts: 4
    Hm.. Just tried that. The keybinding to open the console used to be ctrl+tab unless i am mistaken, but that doesn't seem to be working here. Did they change the binding or..?

    Oh, and I put the line in between the SFX and the MOVIE options, but also tried it after MOVIE as well.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    edited November 2012
    It's Ctrl+Space. I think it's always been that (but it's been a while).
  • DaggarDaggar Member Posts: 4
    Hm.. Thats not working either. This is odd.

    So. Add 'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1', into the .ini (presuming it *is* the baldur.ini in my documents)

    Enter game, hit ctrl+space, console should open. Right?
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Try tabs instead of spaces. i.e.:

    'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1',
    Copy that into it, and see if that works.
  • DaggarDaggar Member Posts: 4
    Aha! That worked this time.

    Thanks for the help.
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