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Romace and dead Aerie

Will the romance start if Aerie was dead after the battle with Kalah? She had no dialogue with Quayle about leaving the circus and now after the hour of gameplay she had not started any dialogue from her romance.


  • Humanoid_TaifunHumanoid_Taifun Member Posts: 1,063
    It might be bugged. Are you able to use the console to test the relevant variables or can you open your save game with Shadowkeeper?
    If the romance did bug out, you can use either the console or Shadowkeeper to start it forcibly.
    The first variable that you would be interested in is "AerieRomanceActive". The console command to get its value would be "CLUAConsole:GetGlobal("AerieRomanceActive","GLOBAL")".
    It should be 1.
    If you indeed find it to be 1, just for testing purposes set "AerieRomance" to 1 as well.
    For the console, "CLUAConsole:SetGlobal(“AerieRomance”,”GLOBAL”,1)".
    This should trigger the next romance talk within the next 10 seconds. If this does not happen, you are either in a bad place (too crowded for romance, or too hostile) or something else is wrong. In the latter case, we will probably have to forcefully convince Aerie that you are her lover now.
  • velehalvelehal Member Posts: 299
    Thank you. Romance has already started.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    In the latter case, we will probably have to forcefully convince Aerie that you are her lover now.

    Why am I envisioning that Simpsons scene where somebody kidnaps Hans Moleman and indoctrinates him into loving Homer and Marge? XD
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