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Looking for Module Recommendations

Hi all, recently I have started playing Neverwinter Nights again after putting it in my backlog for years. I just finished the A Dance with Rogues modules the other day and wondering if you guys have recommendations for modules with interesting henchmen banters or interactions like in A Dance with Rogues. I don't really mind about the story/setting, I just want to play module with interesting and interactive henchmen who actually act like real party members, not just mindless slaves who follow me around and bask in my glory. Thanks in advance!


  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Of the modules that I've played, there's a few where I felt the companions were well-written and interesting enough to generate the same kind of interest/attachment as the BG series (which I consider the benchmark):

    Official/Premium Modules:
    - Kingmaker. This premium module boasts four very interesting and unique companions, all of whom have their own custom voiceset!
    - Pirates of the Sword Coast. Companions don't play as big a role in this module, but I thought it worthy of mention just because there's one pretty memorable companion in this one called Garm.
    - Wyvern Crown of Cormyr. Although I personally didn't connect with the companions in this module, I did think that they were pretty decently written and gave the impression that each of them was travelling with you for their own reasons, and not merely as a sword for hire.

    I haven't played either Darkness over Daggerford or Tyrants of the Moonsea, but I believe those have companions too.

    Community Modules:
    - The Aielund Saga. It's been many years since I played this series, but I remember it as one of the best module series that I've played. I'm planning on going through it again after I've gone through a few others. :)
    - Adam Miller's Shadowlords/Dreamcatcher/Demon series. You only have one (out of three) companion with you throughout these modules, but the fact that they're there with you from beginning to end means that you really have time to bond with your companion and enjoy the way their personal stories are interwoven with your adventures.
    - Stefan Gagne's Eternum series. I can't remember if the first module had companions or not, but the second one definitely had some memorable ones.
  • captainkatsuracaptainkatsura Member Posts: 14
    Zaxares wrote: »
    Of the modules that I've played, there's a few where I felt the companions were well-written and interesting enough to generate the same kind of interest/attachment as the BG series (which I consider the benchmark):

    Official/Premium Modules:
    - Kingmaker. This premium module boasts four very interesting and unique companions, all of whom have their own custom voiceset!
    - Pirates of the Sword Coast. Companions don't play as big a role in this module, but I thought it worthy of mention just because there's one pretty memorable companion in this one called Garm.
    - Wyvern Crown of Cormyr. Although I personally didn't connect with the companions in this module, I did think that they were pretty decently written and gave the impression that each of them was travelling with you for their own reasons, and not merely as a sword for hire.

    I haven't played either Darkness over Daggerford or Tyrants of the Moonsea, but I believe those have companions too.

    Community Modules:
    - The Aielund Saga. It's been many years since I played this series, but I remember it as one of the best module series that I've played. I'm planning on going through it again after I've gone through a few others. :)
    - Adam Miller's Shadowlords/Dreamcatcher/Demon series. You only have one (out of three) companion with you throughout these modules, but the fact that they're there with you from beginning to end means that you really have time to bond with your companion and enjoy the way their personal stories are interwoven with your adventures.
    - Stefan Gagne's Eternum series. I can't remember if the first module had companions or not, but the second one definitely had some memorable ones.

    Wow thank you for the detailed answer! I might try Aielund saga next, I heard a lot of good things from many people about it.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    The standalone adventure Bloodright features some very involved companions (and interesting NPCs) with whom you can interact in various ways to (without spoilering too much) achieve different goals.

    Tales of Arterra is a classic high fantasy campaign which might be called generic from today's perspective if it weren't for the beautifully written relatable three companions, who crucially also form friendships with each other BG-style rather than just the PC.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited November 2019
    darknesss over daggerford and tyrants of the moon sea are also pretty solid.

    the premium module versions not the ones on the vault i should express. as the latter is unfinished on the vault.
  • AndarianAndarian Member Posts: 185
    edited November 2019
    I don't really mind about the story/setting, I just want to play module with interesting and interactive henchmen who actually act like real party members, not just mindless slaves who follow me around and bask in my glory. Thanks in advance!

    If that's what you're looking for, you might find it in my Sanctum of the Archmage series. Richly drawn companion personalities and interactions are among the things that it's been most cited for by players over the years. It's also one of the highest rated entries on the Neverwinter Vault, and earned a call-out last year in PC Gamer. There's a thread for it on the Beamdog forums here if you're interested in learning more.
    A couple of cautions, though. First, it does involve a very large download to support the modules' extensive music and visual custom content. It's also not "finished," in the sense that it definitely sets up a third module in the series -- which I haven't yet had time to complete.
    Regarding the other suggestions: I can definitely second Aielund, Tales of Arterra, and Adam Miller’s mods. These all have the kind of companion dynamics it sounds like you’re looking for, and were inspirations to me in my own work.
    Post edited by Andarian on
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    I highly recommend Darkness over Daggerford. I'm not sure about the unfinished free version, but the finished paid version was fantastic.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    Ok guys, I decided to buy NWN:EE Deluxe Edition (with all premium modules) from GoG since it's on sale right now. Now, I have played NWN ages ago, so this would be almost like a brand new adventures for me. I remember that I was not impressed with OC, much more content with SoU and absolutely loved HotU.

    Having said that, could you guys recommend any essential mods that could improve my Gaming experience? What I'm looking for is:
    - best GUI mod out there, preferably also with font imptovement
    - Class/PRC mod - but only with well refined content, no fancy weird stuff.
    - QoL improvement mods - enything essential that improves the game
    - story content - only FR based, preferably with a solid official lore background.

    Thanks in advance.
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