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I'm a little confused about Neera... (spoilers?)

She told me to find Adoy, which I did, and I killed the Red Wizards who teleport in (wish *I* could teleport into places). Adoy then said he'd give me some kind of treasure, and then just disappears. Then Neera automatically starts a conversation about why I rescued her, a conversation we already had. Also - my journal never updates, it still has the "go find Adoy" questline. I also couldn't find that one ranger guy's wife's body.

Anyway - is this supposed to happen? Will it conflict with the Neera romance if it's a glitch?


  • BurpcycleBurpcycle Member Posts: 22
  • AurenRavidelAurenRavidel Member Posts: 139
    Same thing happened to me, just so you know it's not an isolated incident. I have no idea if it's glitched or not. It certainly seems that way. Adoy's conversation feels like it's missing a bridge between paragraphs at one point.
  • topymacijietopymacijie Member Posts: 30
    Must be a glitch; that's not how my experience went. Don't wanna give out spoilers though, unless you'd like them.
  • EldrythEldryth Member Posts: 56
    Same thing happens to me- I can also talk to Neera manually to get it. Think it might be intended so we can still get her backstory stuff through the other paths.

    The Adoy thing made sense to me- he said he'd summon the treasure to you, I was given a few dialogue options where I could question whether having a Wild Mage try to summon it was a good idea, then he tried it anyway and disappeared in a wild surge.

    The wife's body is to the south of Adoy in the cave, underneath a set of leather armor that looks to be placed randomly.
  • AurenRavidelAurenRavidel Member Posts: 139

    Must be a glitch; that's not how my experience went. Don't wanna give out spoilers though, unless you'd like them.

    I'm fine being spoiled. PM me if you have the time/inclination.
  • BurpcycleBurpcycle Member Posts: 22
    Eldryth said:

    Same thing happens to me- I can also talk to Neera manually to get it. Think it might be intended so we can still get her backstory stuff through the other paths.

    The Adoy thing made sense to me- he said he'd summon the treasure to you, I was given a few dialogue options where I could question whether having a Wild Mage try to summon it was a good idea, then he tried it anyway and disappeared in a wild surge.

    The wife's body is to the south of Adoy in the cave, underneath a set of leather armor that looks to be placed randomly.

    I already checked that body, but I still have no option to mention it to the ranger.
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    Unfortunately, you have to bury it to get that option. Click on the body while your character is standing next to it.
  • BurpcycleBurpcycle Member Posts: 22
    Jalily said:


    Unfortunately, you have to bury it to get that option. Click on the body while your character is standing next to it.
    Hell. I left the area and came back and the body is gone.
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