Multiplayer Fubar?

in Multiplayer
So we managed to connect to each other easily enough after fixing the port forwarding, but once in the game (3 of us) we couldn't all see each other. Host could see each person, but the two people who weren't the host were unable to see the other player. Reconnecting for each player didn't seem to fix the issue. So what's up with the multiplayer? We bought the game so we could play it as a group :P
Also, add the game to your firewall, in case you have one. My firewall usually prompts when a game is trying to connect. In BG's case, it didn't.
What is just as important is making sure that BGEE has BOTH PRIVATE AND PUBLIC ACCESS CHECKED in your allowed programs dialogue window under firewall settings. Depending on your security settings, even if you select YES when the windows firewall warning pops up, it may only allow private access. So, go back in firewall settings and make sure that BGEE has public access privileges and the TCP/UDP ports are open. There is no need to do complicated port forwarding in the router if you have the firewall ports open and public and are using Hamachi.
It was not necessary for me (running win 7 / 64) to do allot of the other things suggested such as changing comparability mods and explicitly running as admin or moving your install out of the 'snadboxed' program files area. So get all of your party to download Hamachi set your virtual server up and enjoy. Hope this helps
...So your telling me its still not working. Hamachi? router settings? glitches? crashes? So dissapointed right now.
I wonder if there are people who are having no issues in multiplayer or if it is definately broken for everybody
My euro friend was playing with another buddy though earlier and was having crashing issues and said they ended up with 2 or 3 copies of their characters in the same game somehow, so who knows how stable everything is even with 2 :P
I don't run any firewall (windows is disabled). Ports are forwarded in my router. I was hosting and someone from Australia joined in on me.
Like others said... for 2 plays near successful.
My group of four had the same crippling problems that I'm reading about here. It seems like for every post claiming that hamachi is the fix (I've used hamachi a ton before with great results) there are two saying it does not fix the issues. There is a unique but tedious method that seems to help us out, although disconnects were common but fairly quick to fix. Our workaround was as follows:
The host has to open or forward UDP 27630!
The host starts the game.
The second partymember joins. As long as the host can see his name when he joins, he is fine.
The third member must join the game, so that he can see character arbitration. Note that at this point the second player will not be able to see him. Then he has to exit the program completely, re-launch it, and join again. The second player should now be able to see the third player. The players must be able to see eachother's names in character arbitration before the game will run properly. (I realize this makes no sense but it seemed to work last night)
The fourth player has to join character arbitration, then exit the program, then join the game again. The same thing as the third player. On his first join, players 2 and 3 will not see him. On his second join, he will be visible.
This doesn't fix the constant DC'ing in-game, but at least you can play a little.