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I want to play Elf Druid

I want to play Elf Druid, in NWNEE, but don't know which campaign to choose! LOL!
Any idea about building up a elf druid?


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    i would choose the OC

    in chapter 2 you can actually do some "druid challenge" thingy if you are a druid

    in terms of build, its really up to you on how you want to play your druid

    there is a prestige class called shapeshifter that you can grab levels in if you are into the whole shapeshifting thing, so if that is your bag, just make sure you hit the prerequisites for it

    WIS is no doubt your most important ability score, so i would suggest going no less than 16 in that ( and if you want to be able to cast level 9 spells your WIS will have to have a base of 19 to be able to do so )

    the thing about DnD video games when it comes to "builds" is that it isn't necessary to have a "perfect unstoppable god of mass destruction to win" you could in theory make a druid with 10 WIS ( which basically wouldn't even be able to cast spells ) and still beat the game

    so i wouldn't worry too much about a perfect build, and just focus more on having fun playing your druid

    and once you complete the OC you can bring your druid over to HotU for some epic play, and once you finish that you can bring that CHAR over into infinite dungeons
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    I've had fun with Druid's going for Spell Casting, Buffs than Shape to a Bear but I would like to see a couple of feats & Spells brought over from NWN 2.

    In NWN 2 there are more healing spells available to the Druid and there is one Feat in particular I like called "Natural Spell" which allows you to cast spells while shape shifted, imagine a Dire Bear casting Ice Storm or Flame Strikes ?.

    In HOTU there are several Epic Feats available to Druid's but only if your wisdom is very high.

    At LVL 16 Druid's unlock Elemental Shape, the Earth Elemental has great Strength.

    Compared to the Cleric the Druid has Stoneskin and Premonition spells for protection and more offensive spells.

    I tried the Shifter class a couple of times but giving up spell casting progression for different shapes is too much for me, I need those spells ?.

    One thing to keep in mind is when you shapeshift all items boosting your Attributes will be disabled and if your using Wisdom boosting items to get extra spells you will lose the spells until the next rest.

    On the plus side any Buffs you cast before shifting will stay in effect so I would buff up with long duration spells than shift to a Bear, only shifting back when I need to cast healing, Call Lighting or Ice Storm.

    I find the 3rd LVL spell Call Lighting to be very useful and in NWN 2 the 5th LVL spells Call Lighting Storm is even better.

    Most of the offensive spells are Evocation, there are a few offensive Conjuration spells but I'd focus of Evocation.
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