You need ankheg hides from north of the Friendly Arm, at the farms, and then get the smith in Beregost to craft it for ya (for 4000g if I remember correctly)
Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty--and it also might do you well to remember that this is armor made out of a dead creature's remains, so it probably smells pretty bad... And what do we do with things that smell bad? We put them as far away from our [farm]house as possible without going into the next map. Near that tree might be good...
Don't kill yourself looking, though. You definitely don't need it to beat the game, and it's definitely not intended to be found easily.
Don't kill yourself looking, though. You definitely don't need it to beat the game, and it's definitely not intended to be found easily.
Walk around EVERYWHERE and hold down tab. ;-)