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Ultima V Lazarus

IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 578
I have recently begun playing an old favourite of mine again, and it continues to baffle me how relatively unknown it remains. Ultima V Lazarus is a fanmade project (yet so much more than a mod!) which ports the classic Ultima V to the Dungeon Siege engine, but the result is more than the sum of its parts. It is, without doubt, one of the most lovingly designed, well-written, mature and polished RPGs ever created - and it's available for under £5 (the current price of a copy of the Dungeon Siege engine on Steam). Its production value in terms of art, music and quest design intricacy exceed that of most professional games. After sitting through the most beautiful intro sequence again just now, I could not help myself but think I should try and advertise this gem to the community here. For a far more eloquent (and less superlative-ridden) review than mine have a look here:

If you are looking for a soothing game with great writing to play through with a good cup of tea now that the nights are growing longer, it is absolutely worth purchasing Dungeon Siege just to play this game. You don't need to be a fan of Ultima to enjoy it (but you will likely turn yourself into one soon enough...). And if you do, remember to leave a note to the marvellous team of creators who have put so many hours into this project at


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