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Half Orc's can't be BlackGuards??

Is this intentional?


  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    Yes. only humans can be paladins. Dorn is an exception
  • DaveRoidDaveRoid Member Posts: 26
    stygga said:

    Yes. only humans can be paladins. Dorn is an exception

    Has a developer said this? It could be a bug.

  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    It's not a bug; the Blackguard is intended to work just the same as the other paladin kits in terms of restrictions (except for alignment).
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    edited November 2012
    No, it's not a bug. Blackguard is a Paladin kit, and as such it's only open to humans. Dorn doesn't count, cause he's DORN.

    However, you can still create a human Paladin and shadowkeeper him to half-orc, or vice versa.
  • DaveRoidDaveRoid Member Posts: 26

    No, it's not a bug. Blackguard is a Paladin kit, and as such it's only open to humans. Dorn doesn't count, cause he's DORN.

    However, you can still create a human Paladin and shadowkeeper him to half-orc, or vice versa.

    Speaking of Dorn. Why doesn't he join the party in friendly arms inn..
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    (Play and Find Out)

    There's a reason. Don't worry. ;)
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