Wheel of Time: The Third Age

Last year TheCapulet launched Wheel of Time: Third Age Enhanced
Today I've relaunched the original Wheel of Time: Third Age (originally founded by Sowens and Ox-Espatato) that ran for 6 years on Gamespy and was the subject of Bioware's only two part Bioware Wednesday feature.
The two servers will be built in conjunction with each. The o3A will maintain its tradition of no haks and roleplaying the setting while 3Ae will be using custom content and acts as spiritual successor to 3A and Wheel of Time: The True Source.
We can be found on Discord here
Today I've relaunched the original Wheel of Time: Third Age (originally founded by Sowens and Ox-Espatato) that ran for 6 years on Gamespy and was the subject of Bioware's only two part Bioware Wednesday feature.
The two servers will be built in conjunction with each. The o3A will maintain its tradition of no haks and roleplaying the setting while 3Ae will be using custom content and acts as spiritual successor to 3A and Wheel of Time: The True Source.
We can be found on Discord here