Does the alignment of the main character have any influence on dialogues in the game?
I've been thinking of creating a chaotic neutral character, and I've been testing some dialogues that I usually see in good characters, and I've seen no difference. I thought it was normal, after all a neutral character is not so different from a good one. The problem is that when I created a chaotic evil to test I didn't see any difference either. My question is: is there any noticeable difference in dialogs in different alignments?
Alignment is largely just flavor. If you make an evil character, but behave only in good ways, very few characters are going to respond as if you're anything but good.
If the system were perfectly translated from Pen and Paper, your alignment would change to reflect your changing character. Ie if you started out evil but turned into a heroic type, you'd get a heroic alignment to reflect that. Unfortunately due to engine limitations your alignment is mostly static throughout the trilogy, but you can still take your character in any direction you choose. The alignment is ultimately not a straight jacket that dictates your actions, but merely a descriptor meant to briefly sum up the morality of a complex human being.