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17 Intelligence for a Fighter/Mage/Cleric?

Can I do with 17 Intelligence for a mage? I need to choose between minusing strength, dexterity, constitution or intelligence.


  • AdventSignAdventSign Member Posts: 96
    edited November 2012
    Come on guys I need help. I've never triple multi classed before.
  • FrostyFrosty Member Posts: 190
    17 INt will be plenty, has you play the game you will find tombs that will incress your stats. there is at least on of each but there was 3 wisdom tombs in tails of the sword coast
  • AdventSignAdventSign Member Posts: 96
    Ok thank you...I just want to memorize all the spells and I can't do that if I only got 17 intelligence (18 with tombs).
  • HexHammerHexHammer Member Posts: 288
    You can just stash them away till you get sufficient Int.
  • FrostyFrosty Member Posts: 190
    It takes 20 INT to meerizeevery spell, only Gnomes can do that but Gnomes can only be ilisionists. pluse has a tripple class character you casting level will not reach the level cap, But you can drink a INT potion learn the spell and keep the spell of ther the Potion weres off
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