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One character rolls higher and misses, other rolls lower and hits

I'm in Durlag's Tower, fighting greater ghouls. For some reason, Shar-Teel is just not getting hits, so I look at the hit rolls and see this:

Viconia: Attack Roll 12 + 5 = 17 : Hit
Shar-Teel: Attack Roll 19 + 7 = 26 : Miss

Looking back through the log, Shar-Teel only ever connected on critical hits. This is against the same ghoul. Viconia was wielding a sling +1 and normal bullets, and Shar-Teel had the short sword of backstabbing. Viconia's thac0 is 11 and Shar-Teel's is 13, but that doesn't account for the 9 point difference.

Has anyone else seen this before? Or am I missing something? My game is heavily modded, with both Might and Guile and Scales of Balance, if that helps, but I haven't ever noticed this before.


  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    Is this persistent, or just with the ghoul fight?

    My first guess would be that since Shar Teel was in the front lines, the ghoul infected her with something that penalized her hit rate.

    If she was "diseased" for example, it's worth keeping in mind that there are like dozens of diseases in the game with distinct effects, and some of them even stack with themselves I think, so especially in a heavily modded game "Diseased" could mean just about anything, mild or severe.
  • stargazerbstargazerb Member Posts: 57
    I fought them again, and I think that is exactly what it was. She was diseased, and when it wore off she started hitting again. Thank you!
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    Ghasts have a specific ability to penalize THAC0 rolls (I think each hit imposes a penalty of 2) - I imagine that the same is true for greater ghouls.
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