Forest of Tethyr not showing up on the world map
This is a bit of a weird one, because usually it's the north forest (that is largely optional) that fails to show up on the world map. However, the last several times I have started a new game, it has been the forest of tethyr that isn't showing up.
The console command for AR2600 didn't work, and attempts to open the worldmap in Near Infinity don't do anything. (NI can open other aspects of the save game, such as .are and .sto files, but not the .wmp)
While I can use the console to force the issue, it would be nice to have the forest show up on the world map. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong or how to get it to appear? As an aside, I am using the CD Tweak that enables them early, so my game is still in chapter 2 - however, the other two areas are correctly appearing on the map.
For reference, I'm using version Version 2.1-20180615. Saved game was created with the current BG2EE (for Android) build - 2.5.
The console command for AR2600 didn't work, and attempts to open the worldmap in Near Infinity don't do anything. (NI can open other aspects of the save game, such as .are and .sto files, but not the .wmp)
While I can use the console to force the issue, it would be nice to have the forest show up on the world map. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong or how to get it to appear? As an aside, I am using the CD Tweak that enables them early, so my game is still in chapter 2 - however, the other two areas are correctly appearing on the map.
For reference, I'm using version Version 2.1-20180615. Saved game was created with the current BG2EE (for Android) build - 2.5.
C:Eval('RevealAreaOnMap("AR2600")') and C:Eval('AddWorldMapAreaFlag("AR2600",7)')
Neither made a difference - the Forest of Tethyr is still not showing up. Any ideas? I hate to continue this game if I'm going to have to restart at chapter 6.
Update/Note: I finally solved the problem by using the console to MOVE to the forest, then traveled back to Athkatla. Now it is showing up on the world map. (whew!)
However, as an aside, I noticed that when I was typing in console commands, I was getting the same command, but wrapped in [string "C:MoveToArea("AR2600")] instead of actually, well, moving. I think my console commands weren't working all this time, but I'm not sure why.
but this one is tricky, as you said for some bizarre reason the 'RevealAreaOnMap' command is not working which i find strange
now in the default game what is suppose to happen is once a global gets set upon entering ar2500, then it is supposed to reveal those areas
so if you want to restore these areas you can go into your AR2500.BCS file and at the very top you can copy paste:
this will make it so at least anything that didn't show up in chapter 2 or 3 will should now show up in chapter 6
but if you want to be able to go there earlier you will either a) need to find the .bcs file that makes it so you can travel there in the first place ( i dont know how your mod implements the idea of these areas being accessible in the first place ) or b) we can try some "scripting sorcery"
so with the sorcery;
so lets open up the AR0700.BCS file ( which can also be found if you go to ar0700.are if you are using NI ) but either way, lets open this puppy up
now at the top it says; ( at least in my unmodded game )
CreateCreatureImpassableEffect("WAUKSQU","",[2366.1949],S) // Squirrel
CreateCreatureImpassableEffect("WAUKMOO","",[2410.1937],S) // Moose
CreateCreatureImpassable("WAUKSNA",[2898.2177],E) // Snake
CreateCreatureImpassableEffect("WAUKLEO","",[2309.2325],S) // Leopard
what we can do is add the line;
right under; RESPONSE #100
as such;
and in theory, as soon as you enter the promenade ( aka escape irenicus' dungeon ) this area should show up on your map ( this won't affect your current game since the global has already been set, but should work on every new game you play )
this solution may not be perfect, but at least it should make it so you can travel to that area in chapter 2,3,6 or 7
i just noticed that this comment didn't space out the gaps correctly on those scripts, so here is a picture to make sure your spacing is done correctly;
Otherwise, I need to figure out how to do these mods with weidu, because my copy of AR0700.BCS is modded a LOT.
save your game files somewhere and do a complete wipe of your bg 2 game files and mods and do a new clean game install and then install your mods afterwards and see if that helps
At any rate, right now everything is working. I had to use the console to travel to AR2600 (Forest of Tethyr), and it seems the map's local script added everything required for it to show up once the party arrived. I had the party walk back to Athkatla (the normal way) and verified that all of the forest areas now appear.
I dunno, I consider it analogous to the Cloakwood forest. Save for the mine itself, there is no good reason to keep the party from exploring that forest early and having access to party members that are there. (Yeslick being the obvious exception). Which is one reason I use the tweak that allows the first four areas to be revealed in chapter 1 of BG, but with the mine not showing up until it ordinarily should.