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somethings has to changed in next patch ...

i am going to say some minor things about the game that need to be fixed... i played over 6 hours right now and some little things just annoyed me much ... first, where is the graphical options ... only fullscreen option ? no option of other resolutions is not excuseable if you ask me ... and in the game when you zoom and let that way , system memorize that zoom only in that area ... what that mean is if you enter a house or new location , zooming is going to default position ... and this is realy annoying ... because i dont want to adjust my zooming when i enter a new area ... this has to sticky option when you decided what zoom level you want to use ... and some graphical glitches around character color choosing screen and on the right bottom of the main hud there is graphical glitch that shadows the descriction ... and again some minor glitches around moving animations like fire or water ... and yes my graphic card is updated ... this is no complain ... i just want you guys to make this game even more perfect ... cause with little tweaks it will go there ... thanx again for all your work ... now if you excuse me i have to find the boo ^^


  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Try ALT-Enter for Windowed mode
  • coldcorpsecoldcorpse Member Posts: 2
    what i ment was there is only full-screen and windowed option in the graphic section ... no resolution options or no zooming adjust options kind a things :) sorry for my bad english :) ... i am aware of the holy ALT-Enter combination ^^
  • DinoDino Member Posts: 291
    edited November 2012
    From what I recall you set up graphic and keybind options (in every Infinity Engine title) in a seperate config tool outside of the game. Located in the same folder as the .exe
  • jlkawaiijlkawaii Member Posts: 33
    this utility don't exist for BG:EE ...
  • DinoDino Member Posts: 291
  • CurmudgeonCurmudgeon Member Posts: 57
    You can adjust screen resolutions of the window in the ini file.
    Below is mine.
    Location -- C:Computer (Windows 7)\Users\YOU\My Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\

    'Window', 'w', '1440',
    'Window', 'h', '900',
  • coldcorpsecoldcorpse Member Posts: 2
    pulling out that usefull utility is not a big problem ... but for me that auto zoom out when entering new area is a big problem ... people are gonna play this on ipad with its tiny monitor ... and i am pretty sure they want to zoom in a little ... but this system gonna zoom their brains out in no time ^^
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