Medieval City and Rural tilesets question/bug?

Anyone else use this tileset and know how to prevent this? I already posted over on the workshop months ago and hadn't heard back. @Zwerkules ?

Post edited by NeverwinterWights on
What is weird is that this happens to your toon even though the door opens to the inside. It was possible that this happened when the door opened to the outside.
In that case it would help to remove the door walkmeshes for opened doors. You could walk through the doors when they opened/were open, but there was enough room for the toon to stand in front of them.
It should not happen when the door opens inward and it doesn't happen in 1.69. I don't know if something changed and now the characters need more walkable space than they used to.
Ah that might be. And I can't change the door out for any of the others either. Dang.
Actually you can change the door. Extract the SET file using NWHak (in the Steam /util folder (\Steam\steamapps\common\Neverwinter Nights\util) for you NWN EE install).
This will remove the tileset specific door from that tile, allowing you to place one of the standard doors from the door palette.
You mentioned that you got it from the workshop. The version there is rather outdated. Maybe I changed something.
Try getting the vault version, best even use the compiled version unless you need the models to be uncompiled for normal and specular maps. The compiled version runs faster. (June 2019 version, compiled) (also June 2019 version, compiled)
EDIT: To further test this I did the exact same thing with 1.69. New module. No haks except Medieval city and rural (the compiled updated ones you linked). "test module" button still not working in my 1.69 toolset so started the module through main menu. Still the exact same thing. Back Aluvian up to the rail, open the door and she gets pushed right to the ground.
P.S. @Zwerkules I do appreciate you taking the time to try and help.
P.S.S. Also had a friend who plays on Dragon Neck PW which uses the same tilesets test it out and apparently they have the same issue there.
The point is that that is how I discovered this and how I'm able to reproduce it 100% of the time. Whenever my pc runs up the stairs and tries to open one of the doors, half the time I'm close enough to the edge for this to happen without actually trying to make it happen. And it seems worse with larger character models.
2. That would only happen if the door would open to the outside, but it opens to the inside and the dwks for both sides are correct.
P. S. I still can't reproduce this bug. It works fine for me. Obviously it doesn't do that for Neverwinterwights as the video proves, but I don't see any reason for it to not work.
Just got done running a quick test in both vanilla v1.69 and v1.79.9193-5 EE using the House 1 2x2 Group from TNO Castle Ext. Rural (tiles tno01_m40_01 - tno01_m40_04) to see if the issue is isolated to Zwerk's tilesets. IT IS NOT. However, I know what is causing the issue.
When the door in the screenshot below was in the correct place, the PC model did NOT get pushed to the ground. When I pulled the door out onto the deck, the PC DID get pushed to the ground.
It appears that if the door geometry cannot fully clear the railing, the animation pushes the PC to the ground. Barring Zwerk making all his decks wider, I don't see this getting fixed on our end - e.g. is a BeamDog issue and should be submitted as a bug.
Furthermore, I'm also convinced that it has NOTHING to do with walkmesh, as it only occurs during the time that the animation's cycling.
@Pstemarie Thank you also for taking time to look into this. Appreciate everything you guys do.
I have some barricades - broken table placeables - setup in my module that the PC has to fight through to reach the enemies on the other side. In both v1.69 and EE v1.79, the barricades block movement but allow missile attacks over them. In v1.69, the PC cannot launch physical attacks over the barricade.
HOWEVER, in EE v1.79, the PC can launch physical attacks over/through the barricades. The PC simply steps through the barricade, attacks in melee, and then snaps back to their original position. If you try to move the PC through the barricade, the path is blocked - as it should.
Considering that placeables use nonwalkable as the face setting in their PWK and Zwerk's railings also have the same material setting (as does the TNO building I tested), it stands to reason that there is something borked with the nonwalkable material setting. It appears that the game engine is only respecting it SOME of the time.
If it happened to one or two specific doors that might make sense. But all the upstairs doors I tested (except the windmill which works fine) in my mod and in the test mod and on the Dragon Neck PW? Appreciate the suggestion though. And I'm just using the default doors already in place since you can't change doors or door appearance.
For me it happens, I wouldn't say often, but enough to where I could figure it out. Maybe because a lot of the time I don't click up to them but keyboard walk up to the doors. But yeah mainly when very close to the rail. However there were a couple times it also happened when I was pressed up against the door and not the rail.