New Toolset Bug: Placeable Description Field

I'm reporting what I think is a new bug, or at least new to me. There didn't use to be a character limit in the string field for placeable descriptions, or if there was it was much higher than 2000 characters. Since the new update, any placables which have more than 2000 characters in their description field become truncated, as shown in this example:

I've tested this with basic placables. I've tried copy/pasting, hand typing, etc. Same result.

I've tested this with basic placables. I've tried copy/pasting, hand typing, etc. Same result.
If you need a test case, my Enigma Island Part 2 has a description 1028 characters long, which renders as blank when starting a new game.
I appreciate that it might not be the same issue.
I'll submit one too. I'm having the same issue with all of my custom made modules. I believe it's also related to the Server Description field, too (which draws from the Module Description), which is limited to about 75 characters it seems, give or take.
This is what I see:
Strangely, for me, Enigma Island 1 description appears in full. For other author's modules, either the whole description appears, or (more commonly) it is blank.
Very simple modules that had no description in the first place appear as "Module Description Not Available".
I, too, see this bug 100%, always for the same modules.
What setup differences might be relevant? Resolution? Operating system? Whatever? I'm seeing this in Windows 10, 1600 x 900, window mode.