Thanks. It fixed their voicing/names but their kits are all off except that of Vienxay's shadowmage. Kale was downloaded with the Warden kit but in-game he is still a fighter, Recorder is a bard instead of a Lorekeeper, etc. Their biographies show "Invalid: [Random Number]". All their quests in my journal (except that of Vienxay's) disappeared as well.
As of far I have Emily/Kale/Helga/Recorder/Vienxay NPC mods, as well as the Aura mod, and the Artisan's Kitpack.
I'm guessing this is a lost cause at this point?
Anyway for the first time you meet Cindy outside of the Ducal Palace, are you supposed to have a letter in your inventory after the talk? Because before I made a complete re-install, I talked with her and agreed to give a letter to Recorder, but when Recorder appeared I never got the option to give her the letter. Without the Recorder install sod Cindy isn't there outside the Ducal Palace (using my save right before exiting the palace for the first time), whereas after the Recorder install (and just the Recorder install) Cindy is outside, but her name isn't Cindy but a giant paragraph of words. So I think it's probably not an install issue as I made a completely fresh install with just the Recorder install.
I need to check, I'm pretty sure in conversation pathing it's possible to never give her the letter. Given it's a Recorder that didn't recognize you all the more, but I'll triple check.
Also you can fix the classes with EEKeeper, just change their kits to the right ones. Reinstalling in a different order can break those too, but it's at least an easy fix.
On my end I did all the conversation paths at the entrance to Ducal Palace and up to but not including Chapter 8.
Is there a way to get the journal updates back for my NPC quests? For some reason only Vienxay's quest in the journal is still existent, all the others (those from Emily/Kale/Helga/Recorder) disappeared after the complete reinstall. I don't know if that'll cause them to not recognize me in SOD like Recorder and cause issues like her.
Quick Updated:
-Updated TP2 to match current version number.
-Updated Recorder's Bard Song to not play random flute sound when first recruited.
-Changed Code so Recorder is made global. This should fix her disappearing in Candlekeep in chapter 1 if you reload a save while she is in Candlekeep, and her having no items when she is in SoD.
When is the romance part supposed to start in SoD? I'm in Chapter 9, and don't see any variables in my savegame that would indicate a romance is progressing.
Anyway for the first time you meet Cindy outside of the Ducal Palace, are you supposed to have a letter in your inventory after the talk? Because before I made a complete re-install, I talked with her and agreed to give a letter to Recorder, but when Recorder appeared I never got the option to give her the letter. Without the Recorder install sod Cindy isn't there outside the Ducal Palace (using my save right before exiting the palace for the first time), whereas after the Recorder install (and just the Recorder install) Cindy is outside, but her name isn't Cindy but a giant paragraph of words. So I think it's probably not an install issue as I made a completely fresh install with just the Recorder install.
I need to check, I'm pretty sure in conversation pathing it's possible to never give her the letter. Given it's a Recorder that didn't recognize you all the more, but I'll triple check.
Also you can fix the classes with EEKeeper, just change their kits to the right ones. Reinstalling in a different order can break those too, but it's at least an easy fix.
Had same issue, there a workaround like with console or was this ever figured out as overall non issue?
Think I got workaround
Went into the mod document and looked for item that looked like it and used console to spawn it (obvious name x3rlet)
and then reloaded to before scene of recorder running up to me and was able to give it to her
(sadly she still acted like I didn't know her before at times and her friend's name was that introduction of recorder paragraph oddly, but seems to work).
I did notice I actually coded it so you would have to give her the letter, but didn't do it quite correct, so that is fixed in the newest version. Also noticed I did "Player1" and not Player1 when I handled the letter handling, so that should fix that too. Lastly, fixed the letter handing versions not setting Recorder to be familiar with you.
Depending on when you downloaded the mod, I did change it so Recorder would be more consistently existing. This was back near the end of June though.
I did notice I actually coded it so you would have to give her the letter, but didn't do it quite correct, so that is fixed in the newest version. Also noticed I did "Player1" and not Player1 when I handled the letter handling, so that should fix that too. Lastly, fixed the letter handing versions not setting Recorder to be familiar with you.
This mystery is finally solved.
Pretty sure I do use the latest version
(couldn't find a changelog or anything so just quickly looked through various file sizes and names seem same)
It likely something else that caused this issue I feel as we had that girl's name be Recorder's introduction paragraph?
As that would cause her to not give the letter to you to give to recorder just the quest and of course is just a clear issue.
It all likely good though as the fix I did seemed to have worked.
(btw saw a different post about what you went/going through hope it worked/working out and everything).
The latest, latest version has it fixed (That I did yesterday, sorry.) My change addressed a different issue and not the letter part. The latest change addresses the letter part.
But you got it working, so there's no need to redownload.
Its at 1 with the GetRomance global and apparently 90 rapport or whatever it was called - saw long ago that 30 was needed to reach stage 1.
Just asking because, Ven you told me is at end and Emi I just noticed is apparently soon after getting main camp as far as locking it technically in at any rate.
So very curious about hers.
(Already decided not to follow Sirene and don't think I want to follow Emily despite/because the fact she remindes me a lot on 1 the mod gals I got romancing in Dale )
.. so now down to these 2 and was leaning towards Recorder since I liked her development a lot more and fact she gets the cute extra interactions etc... so want to make sure I don't mess it up.
You can use C:GetGlobal("X32RecTalk","GLOBAL") to track her friendship/romance conversations progress. When it's higher than 13 you know it will be 2 or at 2 already.
I figured the getglobal romance number no issue(she at 1), but she has not had anything new to say for long time now so want to make sure nothing broke or anything.
Saw someone else say this also just a few posts up where you pointed out at around 6 apparently (how I figured the romance global by just editing the missing parts of the code you posted to him).
I am just passing the getting the coalition camp point, and apparently she at 5 in Talk, is that normal?
Really would like to make sure, especially since did quick testing of wandering to couple places, resting, etc... but nothing.
I assume the stuff she talks about in Did you have a lover before etc... maybe is hinting at a event I am suppose to encounter at some point, which would open her up to it ? Or again maybe something did break some how.
Ooooookk..... ummmm so something seems probably bugged or broke just for me then it seems
As said I rested and waited and traveled a lot to test and nothing, and even before then she has not talked since idk how long ago, but long time (again I am passed the get coalition camp and I rest and wait quite a bit).
Will try and do more testing just in case you mean the timer starts at coalition camp and now need to much more time to pass.
Edit: Did more testing nothing
(did C:AdvanceRealTime(50000+500000+5000000) about a total of 30 more rests 5 in camp and 25 in some wilderness and even killed off "dismissed" almost everyone else in party just in case)
Was thinking of doing that, but wanted to try and fix whatever the ground issue is and just in case it caused any further issue. Good to know it won't.
I am thinking maybe her rapport bugged or maybe conflict with a mod idk.
I did say she was at 90 and you didn't say that was odd or anything so guess it fine? Maybe just some obscure mod conflict .
When play enough in future, will let you know if talk7 ends up auto playing after a while or not.
But why even number ? "set it to the next even number" is that just how it programmed or ? (6 is next number any ways, but curious).
ook... yet another issue with her lol.. as predicted..
Assuming it not from using the command you had me do for 6, Her talk 7? and more so 9-12 seem heavily bugged (did global checks and sets after and before they popped up for various numbers)
She seems too skip 9 jump to 10 then just forces a infinite forced talk on, "i'm Sorry, forget I said anything" which Is what she said at end of 8 (did the checks before and after as could and 9 just vanishes and becomes 10 on this talk's trigger time) ->
Doing force 9 does nothing though I guess that the programmed even thing you did ?
But then I type it in for 11 and also later 12 (10 just stays broken) too see if I can least just skip these 2 numbers and after I do it, it jumps to her 13 in both cases (Which does seem to trigger her romance at least. Although slightly disappointed her socialize doesn't change to reflect that unless that bugged )
I did check her romance and it says 2 so assume all good (though I am still being able to romance someone else it seems soo unless she just ok with that or that comes later which from all passed answered questions seems likely it's not suppose to, which makes it a little odd and worrying -
granted I think it fits the free spirit bard and am happy if that is the case -> Vien confirmed is still at 2 so she won't mind our last moments before she forgets it if we are both together just before the very end.
O and her 13 has a unfinished one you need to fix If you Ask Her Are you going Home? ->
You get NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS to her reply of yes...--> Minor issue as clicking it closes the conversation out and I assume is meant too be a option of you being dismissive to a even extremer extent but same time of course the no valid not great and could be just a missing link for all I know.
Through further testing I am guessing maybe 7 and 9-12 don't exist (though 10 being broken is a issue and maybe is meant too) and maybe these were just rushly cut out of SoD and put better into BG2 like Vien's Darkness bit?
Minor 2nd Addition
I also noticed through later further testing that you can not set Rec to love 1 it converts it to 3 instantly only 0+2 work seemingly and then 2 maybe breaks as when I did her conversations it was just the no valids choices (not too confuse with the no valid replies or links from the you going home that seems to come up . ) -> which is understandable since it looking for a 1 not 2 in that spot.
(Vien+Emi can be turned too 1/2 seemingly no issue though barely tested them in this regard).
I fixed one bug I saw (The infinite loop, thanks for finding it), but some of the others are caused because:
-Recorder was set to Romance 2 through console, and it's checking/comparing romance 1 as it's not supposed to be 2 yet, so there are no valid replies as something was set to a value it wasn't supposed to be yet.
-You can initiate dialogue at every even number (10 and 12 exist, 10 is bugged though, fixed as of today), and she should talk, it won't always have her initiate it with you though when you are doing things with console as not every location will allow it and she has to see the player.
-I don't think I created a PID initial dialogue change with romance in mind as it's very early/it's SoD so doesn't last, and many other of my NPCs it doesn't make sense for, but I can at some point for Recorder after reviewing if it makes sense to add.
-It converts from 1 to 3 instantly because the romances aren't really supposed to play beside each other. While Vienxay probably wouldn't care as she does not see the events that take place as a "romance", Recorder probably would, and she's not the sharing type. You can work around it with console commands, but it does break things (See the first - point, and some points that take place at the end.)
1-Ya I know, though the no valid on go home was during the romance (main game save) as far as I am aware. (the other 2 options triggered the continued romance)
2- ok so 10 was bugged assumed so, I will just miss out on it I suppose and continue with 12talkcode(which 11 also works for though it same conversation), not worth messing with mods load order and all that for simple thing.
3-nah as said works for her well enough, just from what I recall, Emily's seem too instant end all romances, though that fitting for her
(despite her reluctance stance that cements it in.. , that would take need jealous talks and a bunch of other stuff suppose to truly make fitting but it fine as is, just found it odd that Rec seemed different, but maybe it was just Vien and I miss tested it out, thought I saw even Vien end when I did Emi)
3/4*minor*- Ya I get that, but I did a old save with the test of making her into 1 before fully romancing anyone (was debating trying to use console to allow Emily's romance to work also since I noticed Rec's next talk is also end game any ways and felt bad Emi was only 1/3 left out apparently and maybe had 2 more talks or something. (not big deal though just was testing to see).
I should add some minor jealousy stuff for SoD (Probably to the player themselves) but I might wait until I merge all of my BG1 NPC mods into 1 as it's easier to write more banters with eachother when they are like that.
I hope you do keep up the great work of adding to it, still very curious to see what they like in 2, currently just recently crossed the bridge (story one as in) in SoD so got a while yet.
Thanks again for all your replies, its great to see a mod creator that is active and trying.
Ok 1 last issue discovered for her in SoD, maybe 2 though idk
She has another repeating on 14 I think (the one just before the portal)
As far as the potential 2nd issue, that I assume is just is how it is or maybe caused by broken 14 or bugged romance trigger in general;
but 14+last one have no romance to them at all when romancing her-->
She just acts like ok scary portal lets go, and then last is lets continue adventuring so I can write more and then reply is O you staying with me, then she like ya why not... *Opinion this is being basically repeated from 12 and somewhat odd maybe imo should least add like (the general idea of but written better) even after going through hell etc... and you think we can top that figured you may have changed your mid... but you still staying; smiles*
but it w/e for a casual friendship end, But again I was romancing and at 2 which is why I felt maybe this a bug?
(Especially when Vien had the most romantic of the 3 basically copying Vicionia so feel more so you would have had something more for Rec)
It is a bug, I copied Emily's variable over for easy replacing but forgot to change the name of it to Recorders! I uploaded the fix just now, sorry about that. I also fixed one of the dialogues that causes a repeat if clicked.
I need to check, I'm pretty sure in conversation pathing it's possible to never give her the letter. Given it's a Recorder that didn't recognize you all the more, but I'll triple check.
Also you can fix the classes with EEKeeper, just change their kits to the right ones. Reinstalling in a different order can break those too, but it's at least an easy fix.
Is there a way to get the journal updates back for my NPC quests? For some reason only Vienxay's quest in the journal is still existent, all the others (those from Emily/Kale/Helga/Recorder) disappeared after the complete reinstall. I don't know if that'll cause them to not recognize me in SOD like Recorder and cause issues like her.
-Updated TP2 to match current version number.
-Updated Recorder's Bard Song to not play random flute sound when first recruited.
-Changed Code so Recorder is made global. This should fix her disappearing in Candlekeep in chapter 1 if you reload a save while she is in Candlekeep, and her having no items when she is in SoD.
If it's progressing, it will be Global("X32RecRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1), and Global("X32RecRomanceActive","GLOBAL",2) if it's fully culminated.
If it hasn't ever started, it will be Global("X32RecRomanceActive","GLOBAL",0), and 3 if it's broken.
For it to reach one, Global("X3RecorderApproval","GLOBAL") must be 30 or higher.
Had same issue, there a workaround like with console or was this ever figured out as overall non issue?
Think I got workaround
Went into the mod document and looked for item that looked like it and used console to spawn it (obvious name x3rlet)
and then reloaded to before scene of recorder running up to me and was able to give it to her
(sadly she still acted like I didn't know her before at times and her friend's name was that introduction of recorder paragraph oddly, but seems to work).
This mystery is finally solved.
(couldn't find a changelog or anything so just quickly looked through various file sizes and names seem same)
It likely something else that caused this issue I feel as we had that girl's name be Recorder's introduction paragraph?
As that would cause her to not give the letter to you to give to recorder just the quest and of course is just a clear issue.
It all likely good though as the fix I did seemed to have worked.
(btw saw a different post about what you went/going through hope it worked/working out and everything).
But you got it working, so there's no need to redownload.
Its at 1 with the GetRomance global and apparently 90 rapport or whatever it was called - saw long ago that 30 was needed to reach stage 1.
Just asking because, Ven you told me is at end and Emi I just noticed is apparently soon after getting main camp as far as locking it technically in at any rate.
So very curious about hers.
(Already decided not to follow Sirene and don't think I want to follow Emily despite/because the fact she remindes me a lot on 1 the mod gals I got romancing in Dale
.. so now down to these 2 and was leaning towards Recorder since I liked her development a lot more and fact she gets the cute extra interactions etc... so want to make sure I don't mess it up.
Saw someone else say this also just a few posts up where you pointed out at around 6 apparently (how I figured the romance global by just editing the missing parts of the code you posted to him).
I am just passing the getting the coalition camp point, and apparently she at 5 in Talk, is that normal?
Really would like to make sure, especially since did quick testing of wandering to couple places, resting, etc... but nothing.
I assume the stuff she talks about in Did you have a lover before etc... maybe is hinting at a event I am suppose to encounter at some point, which would open her up to it ? Or again maybe something did break some how.
As said I rested and waited and traveled a lot to test and nothing, and even before then she has not talked since idk how long ago, but long time (again I am passed the get coalition camp and I rest and wait quite a bit).
Will try and do more testing just in case you mean the timer starts at coalition camp and now need to much more time to pass.
Edit: Did more testing nothing
(did C:AdvanceRealTime(50000+500000+5000000) about a total of 30 more rests 5 in camp and 25 in some wilderness and even killed off "dismissed" almost everyone else in party just in case)
C:SetGlobal("X32RecTalk","GLOBAL",6) would do the trick.
I am thinking maybe her rapport bugged or maybe conflict with a mod idk.
I did say she was at 90 and you didn't say that was odd or anything so guess it fine? Maybe just some obscure mod conflict
When play enough in future, will let you know if talk7 ends up auto playing after a while or not.
But why even number ? "set it to the next even number" is that just how it programmed or ? (6 is next number any ways, but curious).
Assuming it not from using the command you had me do for 6, Her talk 7? and more so 9-12 seem heavily bugged (did global checks and sets after and before they popped up for various numbers)
She seems too skip 9 jump to 10 then just forces a infinite forced talk on, "i'm Sorry, forget I said anything" which Is what she said at end of 8 (did the checks before and after as could and 9 just vanishes and becomes 10 on this talk's trigger time) ->
Doing force 9 does nothing though I guess that the programmed even thing you did ?
But then I type it in for 11 and also later 12 (10 just stays broken) too see if I can least just skip these 2 numbers and after I do it, it jumps to her 13 in both cases (Which does seem to trigger her romance at least. Although slightly disappointed her socialize doesn't change to reflect that
I did check her romance and it says 2 so assume all good (though I am still being able to romance someone else it seems soo unless she just ok with that or that comes later which from all passed answered questions seems likely it's not suppose to, which makes it a little odd and worrying -
granted I think it fits the free spirit bard and am happy if that is the case
O and her 13 has a unfinished one you need to fix If you Ask Her Are you going Home? ->
You get NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS to her reply of yes...--> Minor issue as clicking it closes the conversation out and I assume is meant too be a option of you being dismissive to a even extremer extent but same time of course the no valid not great and could be just a missing link for all I know.
Through further testing I am guessing maybe 7 and 9-12 don't exist (though 10 being broken is a issue and maybe is meant too) and maybe these were just rushly cut out of SoD and put better into BG2 like Vien's Darkness bit?
Minor 2nd Addition
I also noticed through later further testing that you can not set Rec to love 1 it converts it to 3 instantly only 0+2 work seemingly and then 2 maybe breaks as when I did her conversations it was just the no valids choices (not too confuse with the no valid replies or links from the you going home that seems to come up . ) -> which is understandable since it looking for a 1 not 2 in that spot.
(Vien+Emi can be turned too 1/2 seemingly no issue though barely tested them in this regard).
-Recorder was set to Romance 2 through console, and it's checking/comparing romance 1 as it's not supposed to be 2 yet, so there are no valid replies as something was set to a value it wasn't supposed to be yet.
-You can initiate dialogue at every even number (10 and 12 exist, 10 is bugged though, fixed as of today), and she should talk, it won't always have her initiate it with you though when you are doing things with console as not every location will allow it and she has to see the player.
-I don't think I created a PID initial dialogue change with romance in mind as it's very early/it's SoD so doesn't last, and many other of my NPCs it doesn't make sense for, but I can at some point for Recorder after reviewing if it makes sense to add.
-It converts from 1 to 3 instantly because the romances aren't really supposed to play beside each other. While Vienxay probably wouldn't care as she does not see the events that take place as a "romance", Recorder probably would, and she's not the sharing type. You can work around it with console commands, but it does break things (See the first - point, and some points that take place at the end.)
1-Ya I know, though the no valid on go home was during the romance (main game save) as far as I am aware. (the other 2 options triggered the continued romance)
2- ok so 10 was bugged assumed so, I will just miss out on it I suppose and continue with 12talkcode(which 11 also works for though it same conversation), not worth messing with mods load order and all that for simple thing.
3-nah as said works for her well enough, just from what I recall, Emily's seem too instant end all romances, though that fitting for her
(despite her reluctance stance that cements it in..
3/4*minor*- Ya I get that, but I did a old save with the test of making her into 1 before fully romancing anyone (was debating trying to use console to allow Emily's romance to work also since I noticed Rec's next talk is also end game any ways and felt bad Emi was only 1/3 left out apparently and maybe had 2 more talks or something. (not big deal though just was testing to see).
Thanks again for all your replies, its great to see a mod creator that is active and trying.
She has another repeating on 14 I think (the one just before the portal)
As far as the potential 2nd issue, that I assume is just is how it is or maybe caused by broken 14 or bugged romance trigger in general;
but 14+last one have no romance to them at all when romancing her-->
She just acts like ok scary portal lets go, and then last is lets continue adventuring so I can write more and then reply is O you staying with me, then she like ya why not...
*Opinion this is being basically repeated from 12 and somewhat odd maybe imo should least add like (the general idea of but written better) even after going through hell etc... and you think we can top that figured you may have changed your mid... but you still staying; smiles*
but it w/e for a casual friendship end, But again I was romancing and at 2 which is why I felt maybe this a bug?
(Especially when Vien had the most romantic of the 3 basically copying Vicionia