Modifying new fields in RacialTypes.2da 1.79

After extensive testing by yours truly coupled with a trees in the forsest sanity check by @DerpCity , the following has been learned about modifying RacialTypes.2da in the newest stable patch (1.79):
Setting the values in the NormalFeatEveryNthLevel and NumberNormalFeatsEveryNthLevel columns to either **** or 0 results in a hard crash when levelling up. Whereas setting the NormalFeatEveryNthLevel column to 21 or 41 and leaving the NumberNormalFeatsEveryNthLevel column to 1 results in the character acquiring their first and only character feat (not racial like Human or class like fighter) at 21st or 41st level respectively.
Our working theory is that the levelup process does some sort of division which is why the game crashes hard when the entries are 0 or **** (divide/0).
What this means is that if you wish to restrict feat acquisition to only race (e.g. Human) and class (e.g. fighter) then you must set the NormalFeatEveryNthLevel to a level beyond where the character will reach.
Why bother at all, you may be wondering?
For the Dark Sun campaign (PW and possible standalone modules) we're going for an AD&D 2nd Edition feel and those rules don't have general character feats, only class and race feats.
Another reason, is that when creating custom classes, it is a heck of a lot easier to balance feat acquisition when I don't have to worry about a multi-classing character taking levels in the new class at different levels. For example, I personally like (as a designer & player) having fighters gain a feat at each level. But with character levels, fighters either end up with two feats at 1st, 3rd, 9th, etc. or I have to take that into account and not give them a class feat at 1st, 3rd, 9th, etc. But then If my barbarian or ranger takes some levels in fighter then their feat acquisition is dependent on what level they are at when they multiclass. So with this ability to eliminate character feats, I can give fighters a feat every level and spellcasters a feat every level they don't get a new spell level. For the other classes, I can give them class feats to make up for the missing character feats.
Alternatively, let's say I want to create a low-magic world like Conan the Barbarian's Hyboria? In that scenario, I could increase the number and/or level of acquisition of feats and give out very little magic items. In other words, give feats rather than magic items.
Setting the values in the NormalFeatEveryNthLevel and NumberNormalFeatsEveryNthLevel columns to either **** or 0 results in a hard crash when levelling up. Whereas setting the NormalFeatEveryNthLevel column to 21 or 41 and leaving the NumberNormalFeatsEveryNthLevel column to 1 results in the character acquiring their first and only character feat (not racial like Human or class like fighter) at 21st or 41st level respectively.
Our working theory is that the levelup process does some sort of division which is why the game crashes hard when the entries are 0 or **** (divide/0).
What this means is that if you wish to restrict feat acquisition to only race (e.g. Human) and class (e.g. fighter) then you must set the NormalFeatEveryNthLevel to a level beyond where the character will reach.
Why bother at all, you may be wondering?
For the Dark Sun campaign (PW and possible standalone modules) we're going for an AD&D 2nd Edition feel and those rules don't have general character feats, only class and race feats.
Another reason, is that when creating custom classes, it is a heck of a lot easier to balance feat acquisition when I don't have to worry about a multi-classing character taking levels in the new class at different levels. For example, I personally like (as a designer & player) having fighters gain a feat at each level. But with character levels, fighters either end up with two feats at 1st, 3rd, 9th, etc. or I have to take that into account and not give them a class feat at 1st, 3rd, 9th, etc. But then If my barbarian or ranger takes some levels in fighter then their feat acquisition is dependent on what level they are at when they multiclass. So with this ability to eliminate character feats, I can give fighters a feat every level and spellcasters a feat every level they don't get a new spell level. For the other classes, I can give them class feats to make up for the missing character feats.
Alternatively, let's say I want to create a low-magic world like Conan the Barbarian's Hyboria? In that scenario, I could increase the number and/or level of acquisition of feats and give out very little magic items. In other words, give feats rather than magic items.