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NN: Enhanced Edition Question -- Paladin Turn Undead

Hey, anyone else encountering a glitch where you can't use Turn Undead?
I've got a Paladin, and all my other Paladin 'Per Day' powers work, just not Summon Mount (Playing SoU and HoU, so not disturbed by that) -- but also Turn Undead isn't working.
The Pally, Andorin, is 6th Level - straight ahead paladin with no extra features.
Skeletons, ghouls, everything is 'immune' apparently to Paladin Turning. :D

Any ideas?


  • WELP.
    The paladin adage - "Physician, Heal Thyself" -- comes to mind immediately. Considering I figured it out; Valiant Full Plate = For some reason, can't cast Turn Undead.
  • And then ... I figured out something else.. It's not correct.
    Had nothing to do with armor.
    My guess is that when I was going through Ascalhorn, I accidentally clicked a coffin -- which 'corrupts' your character AND pushes you towards 'chaotic'.
    I wonder if that tag isn't removed, even if you worship at the Corellon Larethian statue in the tomb?
    Because I started again after exporting my character from the Interlude -- And when you start any chapter of the store-built mods it strips you of certain gear and tags, so, I'm guessing that 'corrupt' is a tag your character can have if you're a paladin.

  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    so with classes like paladin and monk, if you lose your lawful alignment then you will lose all class abilities, the only way to get those abilities back is to get your alignment back to lawful

    plus when you export a character im pretty sure your alignment stays the same and doesnt "reset"

    so when playing a paladin or monk, be VERY mindful of chaotic actions, in SoU especially it is very easy to go over board on chaotic actions and lose paladin status quickly
  • Shia_LuckShia_Luck Member Posts: 39
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    so with classes like paladin and monk, if you lose your lawful alignment then you will lose all class abilities, the only way to get those abilities back is to get your alignment back to lawful...

    This isn't true in NWN. If you lose your lawful status the only change is that you can no longer take more monk or paladin levels.

    @OP, Is your character doing the animation and you see the yellow effect, but no enemy gets turned? Or does nothing happen?

    If it is the first then remember Paladins and Blackguards turn at a level 2 levels below their actual class level. So your lvl6 paladin has the same turning ability as a lvl4 cleric. You may just not have the power atm. Boosting charisma can help.

    If nothing is happening then something has glitched. Try a previous save or load your character into another module to test.

    Have fun :)
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