[MOD] Multikits

This mod adds multikits to the enhanced editions. A multikit is a multiclass with several kits.
Some if not most of these multikits are very powerful. The game difficulty may take a hit and it is thus recommended to increase it in the game settings or with other mods.
The mod only works for BG:EE, BG:SoD, BG2:EE and IWD:EE.
It is compatible with Mod NPC. So you could give multikits to recruitable NPCs:

First, download the provided archive and extract its contents to your game folder.
- If you have the Steam version of the game, the relevant folder is: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition' (BG:EE)
- If you have the Beamdog version of the game, the relevant folder is: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766' (BG:EE)
Then install the mod by double-clicking the 'setup-abel_multikits_mod.exe' file and just follow the instructions.
The main and only component adds a number of built-in multikits that can be selected at character creation. The following class combinations get multikits:
- Fighter/Mage/Thief (Half-Elf)
- Fighter/Mage/Cleric (Half-Elf)
- Fighter/Mage (Elf and Half-Elf)
- Fighter/Cleric
- Cleric/Ranger (Half-Elf)
- Fighter/Thief (all but Human)
The following classes and kits can be assigned (if legal) to most of these:
- Berserker, Kensai, Dwarven Defender (Dwarf)
- Conjurer, Mage
- Assassin, Swashbuckler
- Priest of Lathander, Tempus and Tyr
- Stalker
with a few extra:
- Wizard Slayer/Wild Mage, as a meme multikit for Xzar-like loonies
- Kensai/Shadowdancer
Please note that due to internal limitations, sneak attacks won't work for Stalker and Shadowdancer multikits (but backstab will).
v1 - December, 17, 2019 - initial release
This mod wouldn't exist, weren't it for the work of @Aquadrizzt, helped by fellow modders @subtledoctor, @AionZ and @argent77 on QDMULTI. My thanks to you!
This mod adds multikits to the enhanced editions. A multikit is a multiclass with several kits.
Some if not most of these multikits are very powerful. The game difficulty may take a hit and it is thus recommended to increase it in the game settings or with other mods.
The mod only works for BG:EE, BG:SoD, BG2:EE and IWD:EE.
It is compatible with Mod NPC. So you could give multikits to recruitable NPCs:

First, download the provided archive and extract its contents to your game folder.
- If you have the Steam version of the game, the relevant folder is: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition' (BG:EE)
- If you have the Beamdog version of the game, the relevant folder is: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766' (BG:EE)
Then install the mod by double-clicking the 'setup-abel_multikits_mod.exe' file and just follow the instructions.
The main and only component adds a number of built-in multikits that can be selected at character creation. The following class combinations get multikits:
- Fighter/Mage/Thief (Half-Elf)
- Fighter/Mage/Cleric (Half-Elf)
- Fighter/Mage (Elf and Half-Elf)
- Fighter/Cleric
- Cleric/Ranger (Half-Elf)
- Fighter/Thief (all but Human)
The following classes and kits can be assigned (if legal) to most of these:
- Berserker, Kensai, Dwarven Defender (Dwarf)
- Conjurer, Mage
- Assassin, Swashbuckler
- Priest of Lathander, Tempus and Tyr
- Stalker
with a few extra:
- Wizard Slayer/Wild Mage, as a meme multikit for Xzar-like loonies
- Kensai/Shadowdancer
Please note that due to internal limitations, sneak attacks won't work for Stalker and Shadowdancer multikits (but backstab will).
v1 - December, 17, 2019 - initial release
This mod wouldn't exist, weren't it for the work of @Aquadrizzt, helped by fellow modders @subtledoctor, @AionZ and @argent77 on QDMULTI. My thanks to you!
Post edited by Abel on
I’d like to ask you if you’re going to add some more kit/races to the list released so far, would really love to see more mage and cleric kits, as well as barbarian!
Investigate SubtleDoctor's mods - Faiths & Powers, Tome & Blood, Might & Guile - for more class kits probably similar to what you wanted here.
Yes, as you surmised, I will probably not be updating my mods. If anyone's willing to however, they should feel free to do so.
I too want to know!
Sorry guys, I haven't signed in till this date.
Is the mod not working?
You should see the new kits under the relevant classes or multiclasses.
It's possible the last big update broke the mod. I had a hard time fixing it last time because my code, though working, is ugly and unreadable. I'll try and test it sometime but I can't promise anything since I've pretty much moved on from the IE games.
P.s. it actually did not work for iwd ee for me, though trying several times. I managed to do it rolling a toon on bg ee, exporting, copying in iwd ee chars folder, and importing.
Pay attention to game difference: ie, conjurer in bg ee can't cast divination spells, while in my iwd ee version couldn't cast evocation! That nerfed a bit my berserker / conjurer / priest of lathander!
There still seems to be errors that can't be fixed, like the Evasion ability being skipped because its name is too long.
Yep, I believe unkitted Mages may be better for IWD. I could also add Diviner which loses access to Summoning spells. I'm not sure it's worth it, either.
SubtleDoctor on Gibberlings3 was working on a mod that allowed all kits to multiclass, such as to have a Kensai/Wild Mage/Swashbuckler, but had trouble with the HLA table. Talk with him since you two have similar interests in this regard.
(I recall telling you this before, but I'm unsure what happened to that message.)
@Endarire Yep, I saw you message and conversed with him
I'm thinking there should be a config (text) file, so players can choose the kits they want as multikit options. And the code would just add every possible combination.
There are a few hurdles so if there's an update, it won't be coming soon. But I'll try!
I always want to play mage/assassin without tedious process of dual-classing.
Anyway big thx for this mod.