
in Off-Topic
IM getting kind of tired of baldurs gate 2 and want to buy another of your games after I beat this one are there any with armor that's like most rpgs things like 10 to defense or 20 or whatever or are they all like baldurs gate 2 took me awile to get used to the odd armor ??
That's D&D second edition rules. If you familiarize yourself with second edition Armor Class and THAC0, it isn't that hard to understand, but without that context I see how it would be. Or you can simplify and just know that the lower the number, including negative numbers, the better you are protected.
Neverwinter Nights is their only D&D game that isn't second edition (it is third). But know that it plays very differently from Baldur's Gate 2.
Icewind Dale 2 is also third edition, but Beamdog didn't get to make a remake of it, so it is how Black Isle left it. It is available on, but it won't be enhanced for modern computers.
Neverwinter Nights 2 is also 3rd edition (3.5 maybe?). It also has an expansion that makes the gameplay somewhat closer to BG (it's a bit quirky though). NWN2 is fairly recent so didn't really need any "EE" treatment. I bought it from GoG and it works fine on Windows 10.