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NWN Podcast

Does anyone know what happened to the NWN Podcast episodes archived on youtube? I'm pretty sure they were all there until quite recently, but seem to have vanished without a trace now.

There is an incomplete archive here, but some of the best stuff (earlier interviews with module designers) appear to be missing.


  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    I remember someone saying they felt like the same questions were being asked .

    Having one every 2 months would work fine I think, start with talking about updates and such than lead into some gameplay.
  • AndarianAndarian Member Posts: 185
    edited January 2020
    Thanks to Isewin for bringing this to our attention. The NWN Podcast represents a historical archive of significant value and importance to the NWN and NWN2 communities, and its sudden disappearance is not a small thing. (Having appeared on it myself about a dozen times, I'm personally distressed about it as well.) I'm making an effort now to reach out to some of the folks involved in producing it, to try to find out what may have happened, and to see if arrangements can be made to have it restored.

    If anyone knows about the status of the NWN Podcast and its episodes, please let me know so that I can share that information with those of us who are interested in restoring access to this valuable historical archive.

    Thanks -- Andarian
  • AndarianAndarian Member Posts: 185
    edited January 2020
    OK, I have some news on this. Here's a link to a post on Facebook warning that the podcast would be taken down at the end of the year:

    Neverwinter Nights Podcast: Important Notice

    Apparently the NWN Podcast episodes on YouTube had to be taken down because of concerns raised by YouTube policy enacted in response to the new "Child's Online Privacy Protection" (COPPA) legislation. The maintainers planned to re-post the archive to a new website, but that hasn't happened yet. I'll track the status of this and follow up with the community when there are any updates.

    For information about the policy/legislation/issue in question, see here.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    In the meantime, I found that once again, the Wayback Machine proves itself pretty much the best thing on the internet. Most episodes are archived as downloadable MP3 there.
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