Movies Stutter

Title says it all. My movies at stuttering -- it's inconsistent when they will do it, but generally the first run through of a given movie will usually stutter, second onward might or might not. But that's a rule of thumb, death movie played fine the first time around for example.
Any ideas?
Windows 7
Geforce GTX 275
Intel Core2 quad Q9550 @ 2.83GHz
Primary Monitor resolution: 1920x1080
Secondary Monitor resolution: 1680x1050
I won't bother tracking down my other specs... I can run Skyrim, I find it unlikely that my disk drives are too slow or my motherboard too stupid. My graphics drivers are current.
Any ideas?
Windows 7
Geforce GTX 275
Intel Core2 quad Q9550 @ 2.83GHz
Primary Monitor resolution: 1920x1080
Secondary Monitor resolution: 1680x1050
I won't bother tracking down my other specs... I can run Skyrim, I find it unlikely that my disk drives are too slow or my motherboard too stupid. My graphics drivers are current.
That said, it looks like we have two seperate versions of this issue, because my entire video -- graphics and audio -- stutters, not just audio.