17 STR, Manual of Strength, and Exceptional Strength

What happens if a Warrior with a STR of 17 reads the Manual of Strength? How will the exceptional strength percentage be determined? Will it be automatically set to 18/00, be randomized at the time of reading the tome, or would it be based on what the character would have had if given an 18 STR during character creation?
I always thought that the % number was still generated as part of the chargen process, but wasn't displayed unless you were a warrior with 18 STR.
Looking at a previous character in Shadowkeeper, I once har 17 STR and 77 for the % figure. Does it really increase to 00% with a 1-point increase in STR?
I could be wrong, tho...
I've an interest in knowing. If it's a straight 18 it have a huge impact in my choice of race.
It's the same deal when you dual class to a Fighter, you don't get the % just for dualing to a Fighter.
So using a strength manual on a 17 STR will take you up to a straight 18.
I made sure to have him wield two-handed swords (great for BG1/TOSC/Early BG2) and halberds (2nd half of SOA and TOB) for the fun of seeing the halfling using those weapons (looking forward to the Ravager halberd). Having true grandmastery would give additional cover.