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Darkness over Daggerford Question: Prince Julap-Adeep's Riddles

I seriously have no clue how to solve the first riddle. He says that even if I don't speak the language I should be able to figure it out but I can't see any correlation between the runes and the people in the room. The game should at least allow my character to make an intelligence check or something but the game is relying on my own stupid brain. How do I solve this riddle?


  • PhantasmaPhantasma Member Posts: 79
    I'm going slightly from memory, but I think you're told the runes indicate the first and last letter of the names of the 'partygoers'. Two of them have the same first letter, but none of the runes have the same first letter, which should narrow the scope considerably. Similarly, two have the same last letter, which is reflected in the runes and that should give you the answer.

    Or you can just read my spoiler - the answer to riddle one is
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