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Inn Freeze

My game freezes every time I sleep at the inn. It pauses the game, says paused for rest screen, but nothing happens. No rest video comes up, and I can't do anything from here.
Anyone else encounter this?


  • CrynusCrynus Member Posts: 17
    apparently this is a multiplayer issue when sleeping, pretty much makes it unplayable
  • SilySily Member Posts: 91
    Yeah, ran into this with my friends. Any fix around?
  • KildorKildor Member Posts: 14
    Yes. Peep game...

    To all that want to know. I just fixed the MP Resting bug.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766\movies

    rename rest.wmb to restdung.wmb (rar rest.wmb to be safe) and then play.

    We are able to successfully rest anywhere now with no issues.
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