I got what I expected, I paid what it deserved. My quality standards are high enough to let me still rage about games like DA2 or ME3 on the BSN till this day and skip games like AC3 completely. It still needs polishing but otherwise I'm happy with the product.
@Lisandru, don't even get me started on the travesty that was DA 2 . . . grrr. As stated previously, I'm extremely happy with BG:EE and am finding it difficult to edit rather than play.
I already have one broken quest before I left Candlekeep. Firebeards scroll and Tethoril. Tethoril wasn't in the game and wasn't where he was supposed to be. He had completely vanished. LOL. WTF?
Also, the zoom resetting is immersive breaking when you enter a house and having to zoom in all the time. Really annoying.
And the new cutscenes? I would have preferred an option like: "Disable/Enable Showing Low Quality Movies"
almost everytime I hear about mods being inferior to BGEE, I hear about "days of installing mods" or "20 hrs of finding mods, another 20 of reading instructions and another 20 of installing". You just forgot to add "20 hrs of downloading mods". I know it is not as simple as running installer and wait until progress bar is complete, but come on, is it really that hard? even in my monstrous installation which get my bg folder to increase to 20+ GBs it took me only three hours, and at most of the time huge mods were installing and I could do something else (and even then i 've got just one or two CTDs). If you would want almost the same improvements that are present in BGEE you would need 30 minutes at most. (without zooming, better journal and multiplatform support of course). Most of the mods are gathered in just two sites - g3 and spellhold studios so I don't understand why are you complaining about researching. As for instructions most of them are half page long, so unless you have readin difficulties you will read them within few minutes.
Don't get me wrong, I think BGEE is a really great idea, I am a really proud about preordering it, but I was just expecting a product that is something more bug-free. I know that sooner or later BGEE will be wonderful - just like I was expected, but ranting about mods with such unjustificed criticism ist jus unfair. As for problems mentioned by other people I guess I would get mu chance to adress them WHEN I will finally get my copy working...
I already have one broken quest before I left Candlekeep. Firebeards scroll and Tethoril. Tethoril wasn't in the game and wasn't where he was supposed to be. He had completely vanished. LOL. WTF?
Sure about that? I asked because Tethoril sometimes (quite often actually) was difficult to find even in original BG1, which I have and play just before release time. There is no fix stand-point for him, he hiking circles around the main Candlekeep castle and you may have to do 1-2 cirles yourself to find him.
Sure about that? I asked because Tethoril sometimes (quite often actually) was difficult to find even in original BG1, which I have and play just before release time. There is no fix stand-point for him, he hiking circles around the main Candlekeep castle and you may have to do 1-2 cirles yourself to find him.
I'm sure. I have two computers going. Original BG on one computer and BGEE on my new computer. Tethoril is always in the same spot in the original. I did multiple laps around Candlekeep in BGEE and he was not there.
Have just loaded a previous save at the start of the game and now I see he's already ran away from his starting point and towards the ether to disappear. Managed to do Firebead and 'grab' him before he disappeared. That doesn't happen in the original. Definitely a bug.
I think so far the game is fricken great! You guys cry way too much. I've been playing the Big World mod and the GUI in that is tiny and sucks, everything's tiny. I tried this game version lastnight and was blown away how much nicer and crisp it looks, and the cinematics,WOW. Go play the old version and the clunky ass block cinematics, that's horrible! I love the art style.
Update your windows and hardware because the game runs PERFECT and I have a low end gaming rig.
There are currently thousands of players playing BG:EE, but there aren't thousands of threads like these. Those who have bad experiences, come to the forum and start making threads about not being able to play. Those who have had no problems (me included), don't. Obviously. We're too busy playing. I think the percentage of people who aren't satisfied, is very low.
I have had 1 tiny little glitch, and while I ended up having to perma-kill an NPC, I still got a good chuckle out of it. I left Kagain to get Minsc for my goody-two-shoes party. After I finished the stuff at the mines and came back, Kagain would constantly come up to me, telling me it was about time he got back in the group, like literally half a second after every time I said "NO". The funny bit is that he kept saying "Stop pestering me" while doing it. Then I killed him.
Am I able to enter Beregost, leave to enter another map, then re-enter Beregost without the game crashing? If so, this is indeed better than BG with mods.
I'm glad that the OP is on the minority side! with this kind of attitude we will keep see games such as DA3 and ME3 +1day DLC and we will never see games like Baldurs Gate or Baldur's Gate 3 EVER.
You can go back and play vbg1+mods, btw mods, do you know when the last quest related mod for bg1 was released?? 2009!! So don't act like the modding scene was live and kicking for bg1, it was more like in an hibernation.
This is a small team, and a caring one ( You might have known this if you were around the forums more than a 1/2 day ) , bugs will be fixed and more content will be released, don't like it?? stay away from it, but don't decide for the majority what Beamdog should/n't do.
I just wanna say that the new graphics , armor and combat animations , new portraits and voicesets, scenarios, character creation and Imoen are AMAZING. Thank you and keep up the good work.
As for the cinematics , the illustrations themselves are wonderful , but the way they animated them looked amateurish.
OP's post is more emotional than constructive. The 'problems' mentioned here are things that were stated would not be addressed due to contract issues and original art sources being lost.
Some of the notable changes are:
- 3 new companions, followed by more upcoming DLC. In the future you can buy companions you think sound cool to spice up your 200th play-through. That's really amazing for people who love this game and have played it since the original release. I'm happy for these people. - You can now play BG on mac and tablets, and they're cross compatible. Lord knows these platforms need more games with some depth to them. - There's finally a support for higher resolution than 800 x 600, and better re-rendered enviroments.
At any rate, the re-released game cost 20 dollars. If you make too much fuss about 20 dollars instead of getting your money back, then this game is the least of your problems.
I may or may not buy another game from them. However I most definetly will NOT be pre-ordering another game. I'll wait to see how it goes and then only IF it gets glowing reviews from actual users.
Whiners need to CHILL. BG:EE is awesome so far. Yes there are some bugs (none of which are game-breaking) - they will be fixed in time. It's one day after release for god's sake.
First of all, BGEE works perfectly for me, I haven't had any problems with it so far. I think people are forgetting the fact that Beamdog is re-releasing old titles and not making a new one. I'm sure you can all imagine the difficulties involved in working on a 14-year old game. Old out of date engine, lost arts etc... Maybe it is just me, but I think having problems in the beginning is completely normal.
About the complains over the GUI and videos. I don't see what is your problem. They've done a pretty nice job. You complained about the lack of space between portraits, they fixed it. You complained about the size of the line on the bottom right corner, they fixed it. It is not the same GUI as it was in the vanilla game, but did you really expect everything to be the same? What about the creativity and new ideas of the Beamdog guys? I think they deserved the chance to use their own ideas.
You think they should have kept the original videos? Don't you think those videos which were made for 640x480 resolution, would be a tiny box in a 1920x1080 res that we use today? They had to make new ones. Well they are not the same as the original ones, but the basic idea is there.
You think $20 is too much for this? Come on guys! You get two movie tickets plus a coke for that price. I wouldn't say it's too much for the amount of work these guys put in this game.
Finally, this is the latest twitter comment of Trent Oster: "I'm losing the ability to focus my eyes. Going home to bed. Too many late nights. Tomorrow, bugs die horrible deaths. "
Does that make you think they don't care about you and the game in general? They are trying really hard to fix the bugs. I know it is easy to be critical and complain, but let's not forget that without Beamdog, we wouldn't be here talking about our favorite 14-year old game being re-done FOR US so we can play it again in 2012!
what game doesn't have bugs at release? go back a few years and try to play Oblivion or Fallout 3 at release date......There is no way you will know how the game is going to run on so many configuration till you release to the masses, even with a game that has been done for many years with their new Enhancements, no wonder developers do games for Consoles and Tablets now days, and why bi..and moan so much? like you never been a PC gamer the last 15 years, WE know there are going to be problems, let them fix it shall we?
In my case I've been gaming for about 30 years, since the Spectrum 16k, and it has got steadily worse over time as games get more complex. (And as you mention hardware configurations) However just because software being released in a buggy state has become the norm it certainly doesn't mean we should just sit back and accept it.
Yes thankfully we have the internet so we can get patches but remember the days when that didn't exist? You had a bug in the game, you were stuffed unless (and this only happened a few times - the one I remember most was Frontier: First Encounters which was in a dreadful state in its original release) the publisher happened to offer a patch floppy disc which you had to write (not email) off for. Also you aren't always guaranteed a patch, the first machine I tried to play my newly bought copy of Ghostbusters wouldn't work on my computer as it had too many GFX resolutions available and this happened to other people too, Atari shafted the developer / release and did nothing to fix the situation.
We don't buy other products (books, videos, cars, CD, DVD, furniture) and expect they'll be imperfect to start with and that they'll be fixed / tweaked over time. Why on earth is it okay for software?
In this specific case with BG:EE its already been acknowledged that some of the bugs encountered in the last 24 hours were already known about. In which case the release should have been delayed till they were fixed, plain and simple.
In my case I've been gaming for about 30 years, since the Spectrum 16k, and it has got steadily worse over time as games get more complex. (And as you mention hardware configurations) However just because software being released in a buggy state has become the norm it certainly doesn't mean we should just sit back and accept it.
Yes thankfully we have the internet so we can get patches but remember the days when that didn't exist? You had a bug in the game, you were stuffed unless (and this only happened a few times - the one I remember most was Frontier: First Encounters which was in a dreadful state in its original release) the publisher happened to offer a patch floppy disc which you had to write (not email) off for. Also you aren't always guaranteed a patch, the first machine I tried to play my newly bought copy of Ghostbusters wouldn't work on my computer as it had too many GFX resolutions available and this happened to other people too, Atari shafted the developer / release and did nothing to fix the situation.
We don't buy other products (books, videos, cars, CD, DVD, furniture) and expect they'll be imperfect to start with and that they'll be fixed / tweaked over time. Why on earth is it okay for software?
In this specific case with BG:EE its already been acknowledged that some of the bugs encountered in the last 24 hours were already known about. In which case the release should have been delayed till they were fixed, plain and simple.
You're absolutely correct. The more complex games get, the more buggy they get. It is as close to impossible as it gets to release a bug-free game nowadays. And you're absolutely right, you shouldn't just sit back and accept it and developers doesn't expect you to either. That's why they have the bug forums. What they do expect however is to people to behave like normal people and provide the feedback in a constructive and polite manner. I don't know how big this studio is, but as far as I know it's a pretty small one with maybe 10 QA testers or so. Even if they had a beta running and added more testers, it is not even remotely possible to be able to identify all bugs. It's a big difference between having 100 testers and 100,000 players.
To act like the OP and some others in this thread is ridiculous and I seriously doubt anyone would be acting like this if they weren't behind the protection of a screen. Is the game buggy? Sure, and it's expected but that doesn't give people any right to behave like douchebags. The developers love this game as much, if not more, as everyone here. They've more than likely put their heart and souls into making this game to make it the best possible experience and to have people coming in here and pouring all kinds of shit and asshattery on them is nothing short of appalling and horrible.
It is understandable that people get upset and annoyed, but it doesn't hurt to tone it down a bit and act like a grown up.
@tarasis After the backlash about the original delay Nov 28 was promised 'hell or high water'. I'm sure that given more time/money/people they would have been able to solve more of these issues but this is the best that could be done given the resources available.
It might have been a better idea to have the project on a longer timetable to begin with, but it's too late for that now. Eventually all these issues will be sorted and we will have a better game than we started with.
My game isn't buggy at all. It crashed once on character creation and that's it. Everything else runs smoothly, the gorion battle cutscene is awesome, and everything is running good. Get over yourself.
I take it you don't have an Intel graphics chipset? The original poster's post is over the top, though.
The game itself is what I expected, and is fine, but the laggy perfomance in Intel chipsets is not.
I would have paid $20 for BG1 with widescreen mod and some more assets (portraits, sounds etc).
This isn't an improvement to the original game
The game does both of those things and more. I'm not certain where the problem lies.
I'll tell you where the problem lies.
The trolls from RPGCodex are invading.
Saying that, the game runs fine, but needs some polishing. Also, there are several issues that left me disappointed, and i expect them to deliver soon.
you guys should be THANKING that a developer would go back to a game released in 1998 and even TRY to do anything with it. Most developers or publishers wouldnt even waste a second on something like this.
I think everyone that complains on BGEE shouldnt play it, stick to your 1998 version.
you guys should be THANKING that a developer would go back to a game released in 1998 and even TRY to do anything with it. Most developers or publishers wouldnt even waste a second on something like this.
I think everyone that complains on BGEE shouldnt play it, stick to your 1998 version.
I'm *extremely* thankful that someone has been working on BG, but the frustrations of those trying to play it on Intel graphics systems are real and sadden me, as I really *want* BGEE to be a huge success. I hope they manage to resolve these issues soon. The other issues reported are very minor, by comparison.
My quality standards are high enough to let me still rage about games like DA2 or ME3 on the BSN till this day and skip games like AC3 completely.
It still needs polishing but otherwise I'm happy with the product.
Also, the zoom resetting is immersive breaking when you enter a house and having to zoom in all the time. Really annoying.
And the new cutscenes? I would have preferred an option like: "Disable/Enable Showing Low Quality Movies"
Don't get me wrong, I think BGEE is a really great idea, I am a really proud about preordering it, but I was just expecting a product that is something more bug-free. I know that sooner or later BGEE will be wonderful - just like I was expected, but ranting about mods with such unjustificed criticism ist jus unfair.
As for problems mentioned by other people I guess I would get mu chance to adress them WHEN I will finally get my copy working...
Have just loaded a previous save at the start of the game and now I see he's already ran away from his starting point and towards the ether to disappear. Managed to do Firebead and 'grab' him before he disappeared. That doesn't happen in the original. Definitely a bug.
Update your windows and hardware because the game runs PERFECT and I have a low end gaming rig.
I think the percentage of people who aren't satisfied, is very low.
I have had 1 tiny little glitch, and while I ended up having to perma-kill an NPC, I still got a good chuckle out of it. I left Kagain to get Minsc for my goody-two-shoes party. After I finished the stuff at the mines and came back, Kagain would constantly come up to me, telling me it was about time he got back in the group, like literally half a second after every time I said "NO". The funny bit is that he kept saying "Stop pestering me" while doing it.
Then I killed him.
Shit post is shit.
You can go back and play vbg1+mods, btw mods, do you know when the last quest related mod for bg1 was released?? 2009!! So don't act like the modding scene was live and kicking for bg1, it was more like in an hibernation.
This is a small team, and a caring one ( You might have known this if you were around the forums more than a 1/2 day ) , bugs will be fixed and more content will be released, don't like it?? stay away from it, but don't decide for the majority what Beamdog should/n't do.
As for the cinematics , the illustrations themselves are wonderful , but the way they animated them looked amateurish.
Some of the notable changes are:
- 3 new companions, followed by more upcoming DLC. In the future you can buy companions you think sound cool to spice up your 200th play-through. That's really amazing for people who love this game and have played it since the original release. I'm happy for these people.
- You can now play BG on mac and tablets, and they're cross compatible. Lord knows these platforms need more games with some depth to them.
- There's finally a support for higher resolution than 800 x 600, and better re-rendered enviroments.
At any rate, the re-released game cost 20 dollars. If you make too much fuss about 20 dollars instead of getting your money back, then this game is the least of your problems.
Haters gonna hate.
Maybe it is just me, but I think having problems in the beginning is completely normal.
About the complains over the GUI and videos. I don't see what is your problem. They've done a pretty nice job. You complained about the lack of space between portraits, they fixed it. You complained about the size of the line on the bottom right corner, they fixed it. It is not the same GUI as it was in the vanilla game, but did you really expect everything to be the same? What about the creativity and new ideas of the Beamdog guys? I think they deserved the chance to use their own ideas.
You think they should have kept the original videos? Don't you think those videos which were made for 640x480 resolution, would be a tiny box in a 1920x1080 res that we use today? They had to make new ones. Well they are not the same as the original ones, but the basic idea is there.
You think $20 is too much for this? Come on guys! You get two movie tickets plus a coke for that price. I wouldn't say it's too much for the amount of work these guys put in this game.
Finally, this is the latest twitter comment of Trent Oster: "I'm losing the ability to focus my eyes. Going home to bed. Too many late nights. Tomorrow, bugs die horrible deaths. "
Does that make you think they don't care about you and the game in general? They are trying really hard to fix the bugs. I know it is easy to be critical and complain, but let's not forget that without Beamdog, we wouldn't be here talking about our favorite 14-year old game being re-done FOR US so we can play it again in 2012!
Yes thankfully we have the internet so we can get patches but remember the days when that didn't exist? You had a bug in the game, you were stuffed unless (and this only happened a few times - the one I remember most was Frontier: First Encounters which was in a dreadful state in its original release) the publisher happened to offer a patch floppy disc which you had to write (not email) off for. Also you aren't always guaranteed a patch, the first machine I tried to play my newly bought copy of Ghostbusters wouldn't work on my computer as it had too many GFX resolutions available and this happened to other people too, Atari shafted the developer / release and did nothing to fix the situation.
We don't buy other products (books, videos, cars, CD, DVD, furniture) and expect they'll be imperfect to start with and that they'll be fixed / tweaked over time. Why on earth is it okay for software?
In this specific case with BG:EE its already been acknowledged that some of the bugs encountered in the last 24 hours were already known about. In which case the release should have been delayed till they were fixed, plain and simple.
You're absolutely correct. The more complex games get, the more buggy they get. It is as close to impossible as it gets to release a bug-free game nowadays. And you're absolutely right, you shouldn't just sit back and accept it and developers doesn't expect you to either. That's why they have the bug forums. What they do expect however is to people to behave like normal people and provide the feedback in a constructive and polite manner. I don't know how big this studio is, but as far as I know it's a pretty small one with maybe 10 QA testers or so. Even if they had a beta running and added more testers, it is not even remotely possible to be able to identify all bugs. It's a big difference between having 100 testers and 100,000 players.
To act like the OP and some others in this thread is ridiculous and I seriously doubt anyone would be acting like this if they weren't behind the protection of a screen. Is the game buggy? Sure, and it's expected but that doesn't give people any right to behave like douchebags. The developers love this game as much, if not more, as everyone here. They've more than likely put their heart and souls into making this game to make it the best possible experience and to have people coming in here and pouring all kinds of shit and asshattery on them is nothing short of appalling and horrible.
It is understandable that people get upset and annoyed, but it doesn't hurt to tone it down a bit and act like a grown up.
It might have been a better idea to have the project on a longer timetable to begin with, but it's too late for that now. Eventually all these issues will be sorted and we will have a better game than we started with.
The game itself is what I expected, and is fine, but the laggy perfomance in Intel chipsets is not.
The trolls from RPGCodex are invading.
Saying that, the game runs fine, but needs some polishing. Also, there are several issues that left me disappointed, and i expect them to deliver soon.
I think everyone that complains on BGEE shouldnt play it, stick to your 1998 version.