A Dawn of Heroes - Nordock PW

A Dawn of Heroes is a Neverwinter Nights Action / Story like Persistent World, based on the famous Nordock module, set in Forgotten Realms.
Level Cap: 40
Ruleset: Hard Core Ruleset (heavily customized)
Started with NWN:EE in 2018, it has evolved fast in the last 2 years.
Why both Action and Story? Because while most people like to Action-play, some others do like to Role-play. We encourage both! You are free to do what you like most. Also, Nordock has always been a Story like world, with many cities, factions, subraces, quests, etc.
We like to feel the game as it was supposed to be played back in the day, with just a few adjustments and changes in terms of balance and a LOT of QoL improvements.
We don’t’ use custom Haks, NWSync is not required. We might need to add a few files through NWSync in the future, but so far it is not needed.
We use a heavily customized HRC system. The server is set to be played under D&D Hard Core Difficulty, and is indeed hard and very challenging, but also fun!
The community is active, players are always willing to help and support new players in getting to know everything they need.
Our players come from all around the world, you will always find someone playing in your time zone!
The Server is hosted in New York, reachable form everywhere in the globe with a pretty good latency.
Our Discord forum is very active, Admins and DMs will reply to your questions very quickly.
We have many custom systems, too many to list them here in detail!
Some of the most importants:
- Custom Death System
- Custom XP System
- ATS Crafting System
- Subraces System
- Factions System
- Persistent Player Vault
- Housing System
- Dungeons System
- Economy Token System
- Custom Loot System
- Creature Unique System
- More and more! And more will come!
If you want to read more, ALL you need to know can be found on our website, which is 100% updated with info, guides and anything else related to our realm.
Discord forum invite link can also be found on website.