Has some patch or mod changed rules regarding hiding in shadows?

I've noticed during my newest modded playthrough that my thief cannot hide in shadows at all when party is outside during daytime, but hides very easily when we're in dungeon. Have some rules regarding hiding in shadows changed either with Beamdog EE patches or does some mod like Strategems of other rule change mod change these rules? My thief has Hide in Shadows of 90 in BG1, is not wearing armor and yet can only rarely hide while outdoors during daytime, even when no enemies or NPCs are in visual range.
Do some other equipment other than armor reduce Hide in Shadows skill?
Or is hiding in shadows been made more dependent on Move Silently? I don't remember having this kind of problems hiding before with 90 Hide in Shadows.
Do some other equipment other than armor reduce Hide in Shadows skill?
Or is hiding in shadows been made more dependent on Move Silently? I don't remember having this kind of problems hiding before with 90 Hide in Shadows.
Post edited by Shaewaros on
The lighting conditions affects your chances of hiding. It's been like this since the game first came out back in 1998.