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Fixing "Name already in use" bugs on migrated PWs

arQonarQon Member Posts: 21
@BeamDog - a support forum for PW Admins would be a big help. The "Technical Support" and "PW" forums have so much clientside "noise" that they're not really usable for server stuff. And that's fine, but a forum for people *running* PWs rather than just trying to *play* on them would be a Very Good Thing.

We have a server that we migrated to EE about a year ago, but haven't actually used "for real" yet because we've been waiting for a stable version and nwsync, etc. My servervault entry is there, with enough of my chars in it for testing.

I can't log in to that server, because my name is "in use", despite being able to see that the pubkey in the attempt matches the one in oldservervault.2da. There are no other references to my name in any other 2da's in /override, so I have no idea why EE is failing, and no ideas left on how to try and fix it.

nwserver/logs.0$ grep -i arqon nwserverLog1.txt
Connection Attempt made by arQon (correct pubkey)

nwserver/override$ grep -i arqon *2da
oldservervault.2da:103 arQon correct pubkey

I tried adding my pubkey and nick to knownservernames.2da - no difference. (Though I've just realised I didn't restart the server after doing that).

Any ideas? I'm sure I'm not the first player to run into this problem, but there's literally no documentation at all for server admins anywhere on this site that I can find. :(

Should I just delete my name from oldservervault? More importantly, why is it that the matching name and pubkey are being rejected in the first place?


  • arQonarQon Member Posts: 21
    > I tried adding my pubkey and nick to knownservernames.2da - no difference. (Though I've just realised I didn't restart the server after doing that).

    And restarting the server was obviously part of the answer, yay! That kind of sucks if you've got a busy server and you need to rescue a player, but if you've got a busy server you're probably updating it every few days anyway, so it's not really a problem.

    That's moved the error from "player name is already in use" to "Your CD Key is unauthorized". So, I guess I've answered the question this thread was for, but it's still useless. Oh well, maybe it'll help someone else later, which was half the goal. :)
  • arQonarQon Member Posts: 21
    Okay - I can confirm that those are indeed the steps needed.
    After I got around the "name in use" problem by logging in with a different nick, taking the pubkey used with THAT nick, ie the EE key, and replacing the key attached to my real nick with it, allowed me to (FINALLY!) log in to the server, as me, and have my servervault appear. \o/

    Unrelated: wow, I haven't heard the music in NWN in over a decade. Did BD add some new stuff? Either way, it's really nice!
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