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Going back a step from 1.79 to 1.69

Awas73Awas73 Member Posts: 66
edited January 2020 in Builders - Toolset
Well several steps I guess, and my apologies if this has been discussed before but I was wondering, is there an easy way to revert your module back to version 1.69 once saved in toolset version 1.79? I would like to make my module available to work on the old NWN version 1.69 but it was saved in the updated version and now will not load under 1.69 gameplay. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    I don't believe there is a simple way, if I remember the 1.69 toolset wont open it or might have issues. It has been a while, you could try if you haven't already.

    Otherwise I imagine you could export everything and then import it into a new module.
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    edited January 2020
    First, you have to be sure that the module isn't using any of the new script commands in EE. They certainly won't work in 1.69.

    Open the module with the nwhak utility that ships with the game. Export the file module.ifo and open it with a GFF editor (available from Neverwinter Vault). Change the field that says 1.79 to 1.69. Import the new version of module.ifo back into the nwhak session & save.
  • Awas73Awas73 Member Posts: 66
    Thank you @Proleric . I tried your method and it worked. I really do appreciate it.
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