NWN Dedicated Server: Lynx Mint - new install (newby with lynx)

Howdy folks, I am new user to lynx in general coming over from Windows 10. I understand that most lynx programs can run on different versions of lynx. I am having difficulty trying to install the dedicated server for never winter nights. I don't see anything that looks like a install app. Any experienced users who can help this new user? (or point to a web page of the install process). I did download and open the current version "nwnee-dedicated-8193.5.zip" looked inside the .zip but that is about as far I can get at this time. Currently trying out Lynx Mint, mostly for its window like interface.
After I set up the vm, I start the bash and then use the following commands only once:
Then you should copy all your files the server needs to your user dir. With the next bash commands you will move to the nwn-server folder and start the server:
I got those code snippets from mtijanic, which linked them here
If you start the app within the bash with the -h command it should list all the available options.
I hope this helps.