Looking for members for Baldurs gate to TOB trilogy run through

Hi I am starting a new group for a trilogy run through from BG1 to TOB, All levels of skill are welcome, we use discord to communicate.
Also note this will at be at 45fps which is slightly faster speed than the game originally runs, this is to make the slower parts of the game more viable. Also state if your interested in SCS which is the improved AI mod.
We will arrange the next session at the end of each session, so don't worry if you can' t always make a particular evening, however we would like to try and get a least one session a week in, two would be fantastic.
If you are interested post here or send me a message with what class you are interested in playing.
Also note this will at be at 45fps which is slightly faster speed than the game originally runs, this is to make the slower parts of the game more viable. Also state if your interested in SCS which is the improved AI mod.
We will arrange the next session at the end of each session, so don't worry if you can' t always make a particular evening, however we would like to try and get a least one session a week in, two would be fantastic.
If you are interested post here or send me a message with what class you are interested in playing.
Oh, and I'm calling Dragon Disciple sorcerer.
Yep. We can give you our Discord tags if you use that.
It says there's some kind of an error adding that name. This is the server we're going to use: https://discord.gg/5gEqMm