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[v1.1] Skitia's NPCs For BG2:EE and EET



  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    Hi Skitia, may I ask you if you are still planning to do Nalia's ToB part and the Wings mod?
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    edited April 2021
    Skitia wrote: »
    Yes, those are still planned works. :)

    That is good to hear! B)

    One more thing, are you planning to potentially add some extra cross mod banters/love conflcts between your npcs and other mods npcs?
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Yes, that is in the plans too, once time frees up and I've read/played said NPCs to be able to write something well.
  • TygaranTygaran Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2021
    Are there any walkthru's for each NPC's content? I just cleared Bodhi's lair for the Shadow Thieves and I lost Recorder. There was no lead in, and nothing indicating howto get her back.
    Bodhi stops the fight, Emily comments, recorder incidate Bodhi can portal out and thenRECORDEr turns into a bat and flees

    After checking the coding, the scenario I listed only occurs when you have both Emily and Recorder, and choose the first dialog option when Bodhi ends the fight.
    Post edited by Tygaran on
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Oops, that's probably a bug, Recorder mistakenly inheriting Bodhi's escape trigger. I can't find it however, can you quote one of the lines? I can't see any escape triggers they would be taking on themselves.
  • TygaranTygaran Member Posts: 41
    I'll place dialog in spiler just in csae...
    Sequence starts in BODHI2.dlg

    Bodhi: "You'll not walk away from me so easily!"

    Option 1: "You'll not walk away from me so easily!"

    Bodhi: "Oh yes, yes, I will. I see no reason to finish this here. You can still be useful to Irenicus where he is. Fight on; I have seen what I have come to see."

    Emily (X3EMIJ): "As if we would let you just go.":

    Recorder (X3REBJ): "I don't think we have a choice. She portaled in here, Emily. She can portal out."
    -->> ACTION..
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Thanks. If you redownload the mod, you will find it is fixed.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited May 2021
    so it looks like if you pay Vienxay's fine during the first scene at the promonade she bugs out and you can't recruit her as she won't talk to you.

    doing it at the jail seems fine.

    edit: then something odd happened. she was just stuck at the entrance instead of at the prison. thankfully paying the warden allowed her to join.

    but when you do it to the guard when she gets stuck she goes into a loop about paying the 600 coins.

    very odd bug indeed.
    Post edited by megamike15 on
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Weird, let me see if I can replicate it.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited May 2021
    Okay, it looks like this happens if she doesn't finish leaving if you don't decide to pay it initially. I'll probably change it so she leaves via the nearest exit.

    I won't be able to fix it until next week probably though, I'm hammered by the second vaccine shot's side effects a bit so a bit too sluggish to do any modding.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    -Changed Vienxay's script so she leaves via the nearest exist.
    -Added a bit of future code in relation to a shortbow that can be found in a future version of Wings for Emily.

    I'm working on Wilson crossmod next, but I have never taken the bear in any party, let alone done anything in the quest area he is in so need to do that for the first time!
  • ShirakShirak Member Posts: 84
    Hi @Skitia, I'm having some trouble with Emily and Vienxay in BG2, as their quests don't appear as quests in my journal.

    Instead, I only get journal entries in the Journal section (instead of the Quest section), such as "I am sorry, but I stand with Emily. I can't let you do this".

    This wasn't the case for them in BG1.

    Is there anything I can do?
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    I'll have to do a quick test of this in BG2. I wonder if its from a playthrough updated half-way to 2.6, mine all got a bit wonky when it wasn't fresh.

    There shouldn't be anything wrong with quest-journaling but I'll check.
  • ShirakShirak Member Posts: 84
    Apologies for incomplete information. It's a 2.5 playthrough. Fresh installation of every mod, but I'm playing with a highly modded game, from Quest mods like Elistraee's Song, Sellswords, Back to Brynnlaw, other NPC mods like Sirene, Fade and Skie, and also some Item mods.

    In any case, is there supposed to be some quest for Vienxay in the Underdark? I actually went to replay my entire Chapter 5, and Vienxay never actually said anything abt looking for anything in the Underdark......

    From the earlier comments in the thread, it seemed that she is supposed to be looking for some tome, but I also failed to get Samir to spawn, and even when I consoled him in, he didn't give me any dialogue.

  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited July 2021
    She does, but only if you finished her quest as far as it could go in the surface first. Global("X3VieQuest","GLOBAL") should be at 5 (To trigger the spawn), and 6 to trigger his dialogue.
  • ShirakShirak Member Posts: 84
    Rats, my X3VieQuest is still on 1. I guess there must be something that slipped my mind in Chapter 2, due to the lack of Quest entries.....will have to revisit it with the other CHARNAME that's supposed to romance her then.....
  • ArcaneMagic24ArcaneMagic24 Member Posts: 21
    How do I install only some of the companions and not all of them?
  • ArcaneMagic24ArcaneMagic24 Member Posts: 21
    Also uh...something went wrong. There are two Emily's in the inn and they can both join my party.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    Duplicate NPCs can happen with any mod (Not sure if its a reinstallation issue, or a reordering issue when you reinstall or the like, or because variables get reset when you reinstall) It's pretty ignorable, just take one and ignore the other one. You can also uninstall/reinstall and play on a save file where they never spawned.

    You can't install individual NPCs for the BG2 version. I figure it was easier to put them all in, since you don't have to take them all anyway.
  • ArcaneMagic24ArcaneMagic24 Member Posts: 21
    Skitia wrote: »
    Duplicate NPCs can happen with any mod (Not sure if its a reinstallation issue, or a reordering issue when you reinstall or the like, or because variables get reset when you reinstall) It's pretty ignorable, just take one and ignore the other one. You can also uninstall/reinstall and play on a save file where they never spawned.

    You can't install individual NPCs for the BG2 version. I figure it was easier to put them all in, since you don't have to take them all anyway.

    Got it. I have no problem ignoring the duplicate, just wanted to make sure it wouldn't mess up any triggers or anything. Appreciate the help, looking forward to having Emily along again!
  • ArcaneMagic24ArcaneMagic24 Member Posts: 21
    Going to start my typo/bug log...Talking to the art seller in the starting town - Emily's "These are beautiful, but not suitable for a tent" comments play twice in a row.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited July 2021
    Thanks, let me know if there is a lot of comment duplication, that might be something to do with your talk string library.
  • ArcaneMagic24ArcaneMagic24 Member Posts: 21
    Skitia wrote: »
    Thanks, let me know if there is a lot of comment duplication, that might be something to do with your talk string library.

    I just came back to mention that many more of her lines are starting to duplicate. It sounds like you know what is causing this - any tips?
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited July 2021
    If you have only a few mods, I usually recommend an uninstall/install of your mods. That will put your string library back to where it was at the beginning and make sure there is no duplicate strings from past installs. I sometimes also clear my override folder to be extra sure there are no remnants when I'm done.

    If you have a lot of mods, try just uninstalling/installing my mod, or the last few. You just need to go back far enough that the duplicate and actual index are cut out of the install.

    I usually got this a lot in BG1 when I reinstalled my mods over and over since I was doing dev work on mods. (It's one reason why I combined them in one rather than five separate ones, as it was harder to cause duplicate string accidents from constant reinstalling that I would do for mod testing.) I'll try to force a situation of duplication next week (I'm mostly busy this weekend) and see if I can get exact user cause and exact user fix, as this can happen with any mod at times and it would be useful to know more about.
  • ArcaneMagic24ArcaneMagic24 Member Posts: 21
    Skitia wrote: »
    If you have only a few mods, I usually recommend an uninstall/install of your mods. That will put your string library back to where it was at the beginning and make sure there is no duplicate strings from past installs. I sometimes also clear my override folder to be extra sure there are no remnants when I'm done.

    If you have a lot of mods, try just uninstalling/installing my mod, or the last few. You just need to go back far enough that the duplicate and actual index are cut out of the install.

    I usually got this a lot in BG1 when I reinstalled my mods over and over since I was doing dev work on mods. (It's one reason why I combined them in one rather than five separate ones, as it was harder to cause duplicate string accidents from constant reinstalling that I would do for mod testing.) I'll try to force a situation of duplication next week (I'm mostly busy this weekend) and see if I can get exact user cause and exact user fix, as this can happen with any mod at times and it would be useful to know more about.

    I'll give it a try. Side note - are the fights in the Pit area in the slums part of your mods as well? I'm kind of...stuck in there after the three dwarves fight. I killed them all and if I talk to Rulendo with a party member outside, he says he hates what I've done to the fights and leaves.
  • ArcaneMagic24ArcaneMagic24 Member Posts: 21
    edited July 2021
    My comment vanished? Uh...I said I'll try what you said, though I don't think I have that many. Just a fixpack and your NPCs.

    Is the Lurendo fight pit part of your content, by chance? I'm stuck in there after fighting against the dwarf team.

    I got a scene in an inn where I could check up on Emily. I asked her how she was doing, and I got an error saying "NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS".

    Another one - when asking Emily about stories and she mentions stepping on a guy's feet while dancing, I chose "I could give you dancing lessons". Her follow up was "He wasn't then. He wasn't as evil now" or something simliar. That...really doesn't make any sense, is the right text linking here?
    Post edited by ArcaneMagic24 on
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    @ArcaneMagic24 your post was caught in the spam filter. I've restored it and verified your profile, therefore it shouldn't happen again.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    @ArcaneMagic24 Thanks, I fixed the latter bug you mentioned regarding the stories. (I haven't found the issue with the how she was doing or the Rulendo fight yet, but I'll take a look at those too.)

  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited July 2021

    I'll give it a try. Side note - are the fights in the Pit area in the slums part of your mods as well? I'm kind of...stuck in there after the three dwarves fight. I killed them all and if I talk to Rulendo with a party member outside, he says he hates what I've done to the fights and leaves.

    I looked at this one and didn't see any issues. Just in case though, I did move around when a needed global would increment. Global("X3HelQuest","GLOBAL",9) is the condition for the dialogue that you didn't get, and the three dwarves being dead + Global("X3HRoundComplete","GLOBAL",2) is the condition for the 9 to be true. I'm guessing somehow either it was at 7 before it incremented or already at 9 and it went to 10. Either way now it will just be set to 9 a bit earlier without anything incrementing it afterwards/

    Also fixed the no valid replies. Thank you so much for these bug reports. It's impossible to find and fix everything without someone playing the mod, and I always want the next player to hopefully have a bug-free, typo free, playthrough.
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