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Bug missione Aerie

Ho sgruppato Aerie senza accorgermi che c'era il messaggero per la sua missione di tornare al circo, e poi, vedendo il messaggero, ci ho cliccato.
Ha dato il messaggio di tornare al circo, ma Aerie non c'era. La missione non c'è, il messaggero mi segue ma non avvia alcun discorso.
C'è un modo per risolvere il bug?


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,021
    Ciao, sto usando Google Translate, quindi mi scuso se alcune delle cose che dico non hanno senso

    è Aerie nella tua squadra? o l'hai lasciata al circo? quello che dovrebbe succedere è quando Aerie è nella tua squadra, un messaggero verrà e dirà che devi tornare alla tenda del circo e parlare con Quayle, una volta fatto, Quayle dirà ad Aerie che i suoi amici nel Bridge District hai bisogno di aiuto, e poi vai al Five Flagons Inn e vedi lì gli amici di Quayle. Anche se, anche se vedi quel messaggero, in realtà non devi tornare subito alla tenda del circo, Aerie aspetterà per sempre se deve

    Se questo non è il problema che stai riscontrando. Puoi caricare una copia del tuo gioco di salvataggio, e poi proverò a dargli un'occhiata e vedere cosa sta succedendo
  • Ciucc3lloneCiucc3llone Member Posts: 53
    edited January 2020
    Ok! As soon as I get back to town I'll upload a copy ... Aerie is on the team. The messenger follows her, comes close to her, but no dialogue takes place!Ap0Qg5kzc8L38yeaQjkGV72OngIU?e=FEQM94

    I have another problem ... the Hexxat coffin in the inventory. I can't move and I don't have any useful saves. How can I do?
    I tried to remove it with Ekeeper, but it tells me that I have objects that are not in the database (I think they are mod), and if I use it they will not be saved. You mean I delete those items from the inventory?
    Last thing: is offline. Where can I find Almateria's Restoration Project in Italian?
    Post edited by Ciucc3llone on
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,021
    your save game;

    so i opened up your save game, and it looks to be modded

    this is probably the reason why you are having problems in the first place, if you have a mod installed and you are experiencing bugs, 99.99% of the time, its the mod

    so i noticed that when i loaded up your save game, that the messenger would not speak to anyone, so i used the cheat console and summoned another one, and this one was able to speak to aerie ( in your game your messenger must be bugged from your mod(s) )

    so i saved your game with the messenger already spoken to aerie and hopefully you can now go to the circus tent and everything will continue as normal

    as for Almateria's restoration Project, that is out of my league, i'm not good at knowing where game mods are since i don't use them haha

  • Ciucc3lloneCiucc3llone Member Posts: 53
    edited January 2020
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    your save game;

    so i opened up your save game, and it looks to be modded

    this is probably the reason why you are having problems in the first place, if you have a mod installed and you are experiencing bugs, 99.99% of the time, its the mod

    so i noticed that when i loaded up your save game, that the messenger would not speak to anyone, so i used the cheat console and summoned another one, and this one was able to speak to aerie ( in your game your messenger must be bugged from your mod(s) )

    so i saved your game with the messenger already spoken to aerie and hopefully you can now go to the circus tent and everything will continue as normal

    as for Almateria's restoration Project, that is out of my league, i'm not good at knowing where game mods are since i don't use them haha

    If I use this save will it delete any object or spell I got from the mods?
    Alternatively can you tell me the command to summon another messenger?
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,021
    i don't think it will delete custom objects or spells if you load it up

    i think the save file still stores the item or spell info

    so even if you don't have the mod installed your items should still be there

    the command to summon another messenger is;

  • Ciucc3lloneCiucc3llone Member Posts: 53
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    i don't think it will delete custom objects or spells if you load it up

    i think the save file still stores the item or spell info

    so even if you don't have the mod installed your items should still be there

    the command to summon another messenger is;


    The code worked. Thank you so much!
    You're good! However try the mods, maybe then you will also start to make your own!
    I'm using the golem one. It is pretty, although it should be improved a little! :-D
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,021
    glad to see that is worked

    ironically i do make my own "little" mods here and there haha

    but for the most part i enjoy the BG series just how it is
  • Ciucc3lloneCiucc3llone Member Posts: 53
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    glad to see that is worked

    ironically i do make my own "little" mods here and there haha

    but for the most part i enjoy the BG series just how it is

    Example of your mod?
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,021
    i adjusted my .2da file so i don't have a million different save games ( no 4 quick saves, no chapter saves, no final saves ) it was just too much tom-foolery clogging up my save folder

    i also made a mod somewhere on this forum where i changed the robe of vecna so it was more black and grey when you wore it and it had the "archmagi" sprite instead of the "lesser robe sprite"

    i also made an enormous mod for IWD ( although its only fully compatible with v1.4 ) which completely revamps the entire game ( that was my biggest one for sure )

    and then little things here and there, i also made it in my game so the holy avenger ( both versions ) give +50% MR instead of setting your MR to 50, ect ect
  • Ciucc3lloneCiucc3llone Member Posts: 53
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    i adjusted my .2da file so i don't have a million different save games ( no 4 quick saves, no chapter saves, no final saves ) it was just too much tom-foolery clogging up my save folder

    i also made a mod somewhere on this forum where i changed the robe of vecna so it was more black and grey when you wore it and it had the "archmagi" sprite instead of the "lesser robe sprite"

    i also made an enormous mod for IWD ( although its only fully compatible with v1.4 ) which completely revamps the entire game ( that was my biggest one for sure )

    and then little things here and there, i also made it in my game so the holy avenger ( both versions ) give +50% MR instead of setting your MR to 50, ect ect

    I hope that sooner or later they will create a mod in which you can make a magician who builds his personal golem, enhancing it with rituals and creating specific objects for the golem (such as punches, golem armor, etc)
    Or it would be a nice mod that implements alchemy with herbs scattered here and there for the maps (which after a few days regenerate)
    Or the possibility of going to collect (or buy) ore to create specific weapons, and maybe enchant them.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,021
    actually, i think there is mod of some sort like the first one you mentioned, i don't know exactly how it works ( since i don't use it ) but i have seen people use mods where they had a golem on their team, probably from something of that sort, although when it comes to upgrades and the such, again i'm not sure how it works since i don't use it haha

    for herbs and such, i don't know about SoA but i heard that there was a mod in BG 1 where you could collect herbs and bring them to thalantyr in High Hedge and he could make potions out of them? again i'm not 100% sure how it works since i don't use that mod

    now that 3rd one is new, haven't heard anything like that yet, although one must be careful because item creation can be very overpowering ( just look at the NWN 2 games ) but that doesn't mean one can't be made
  • Ciucc3lloneCiucc3llone Member Posts: 53
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    actually, i think there is mod of some sort like the first one you mentioned, i don't know exactly how it works ( since i don't use it ) but i have seen people use mods where they had a golem on their team, probably from something of that sort, although when it comes to upgrades and the such, again i'm not sure how it works since i don't use it haha

    for herbs and such, i don't know about SoA but i heard that there was a mod in BG 1 where you could collect herbs and bring them to thalantyr in High Hedge and he could make potions out of them? again i'm not 100% sure how it works since i don't use that mod

    now that 3rd one is new, haven't heard anything like that yet, although one must be careful because item creation can be very overpowering ( just look at the NWN 2 games ) but that doesn't mean one can't be made

    There is a mod that allows you to create golems, but they are not characters from the group, only permanent summonable creatures.
    It would have been more fun if they had been members of the group to equip in the same way they were created (give the golem weapons that work like enchanted punches, armor for golems, amulets for golems ...).
    The idea of ​​alchemy was instead an enrichment of the epic ability to create potions (I would have done the same thing with the scrolls, instead of creating random ones, you create specific spells you want, paying their market price).
    For enchanted weapons or armor, I think the right way is to impose a set of epic talents to spend on it. For example, to create a +4 sword, you must spend 4 talents on creating magical weapons and pay the base price you would pay from the merchant for a similar sword. A magic laboratory must also be set up in the fortress.
    It would be nice as a development to try craftsmanship in BG.
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