[Kickstarter] Kindred Fates - Open World monster capturing RPG with Real-Time combat

in Off-Topic
Lookie what I found on Kickstarter! Right up my alley, considered that I also backed Monster Crown years back. Some of you may or may not already have heard of this game by the indie developer Skymill Studios. In a nutshell, Kindred Fates is what Pokemon would be if it were sandwiched in-between TES: Skyrim and Dark Souls. And in contrast to other recent monster capturing games (such as TemTem), this game here is a singleplayer experience with optional online components (noteable 1vs1's, trading and later on also co-op if its stretch goal is met). Also: character customization is a thing here and the playable characters are well past their early teens. Which is always a plus, since I cannot stand to play as a ten year old pokemon trainer runt anymore.

Not only do players roam freely the overworld - even battles are fought in real-time. It's rather refreshing to actually take control of your monster and fight enemies one-on-one rather than standing behind and shout commands each turn. Another aspect of this game, which again is quite different from other monster capture games, is that there is no fainting: when you loose, the 'mon dies. You can still resurrect the dead, but you have to be quick and harvest their souls before they disappear. At that point they will be gone for good.
The Kickstarter campaign is as of this post live a bit over 2 hours and already garnered 16% of its $50,000 funding goal. Looks like it's only a matter of a day or two until the first stretch goals will be smashed to bits.

If you are interested in stuff like that and considering backing the game, I recommend to be quick. There are currently still 54 slots open for the Early Bird tier at $20 bucks.
Their kickstarter campaign just ended with a whopping $685,188 from 10,868 backers. Meaning all of their setted stretch goals have been met and the game launches in 2023 on both Windows and the Nintendo Switch. Not bad at all for a fresh indie studio who had an initial goal of $50k.