Torchlight III (formerly Torchlight frontiers) is returning to its roots.

For anybody interested, Torchlight Frontiers has been rebranded to Torchlight III with a focus on making it more like the main series and nixing the freemium model (now it is a paid game with no micro-transactions). They'll be keeping a few online aspects, but you can play offline entirely if you want. The new direction is taken from Alpha player feedback and the main audience wanting it to be more like Torchlight 1 and 2.
It'll be on Steam now, but it will still be in closed alpha testing for now with a release date in 2020.
It'll be on Steam now, but it will still be in closed alpha testing for now with a release date in 2020.
Here's an in depth report on this for those interested.
I actually liked the horizontal progression. You didn't lose all progress as the video states. You still had all your skill points you earned in another frontier. You just had separate character levels and frontier levels so in a new frontier you needed the gear attuned to that frontier level and strategic situation to succeed. It wasn't a rough transition at all to play another frontier, and they gave you plenty of chance to adapt your gear before you needed a mostly/full new set. And there was plenty of storage that made it easy to seamlessly keep and swap out whole sets of gear. You did lose some power since your rare and legendary gear from other frontiers weren't necessarily effective (some were though). Regardless, I still think it was a good idea to get rid of the horizontal progression because a lot of players like to keep the power or build they worked hard on (I personally like resetting characters back to zero via a reincarnation system or something like that, so that's why I liked it).
The big issue was the gear grind. It ruined the balance and fun. The Torchlight developers were good about gathering and implementing feedback; you could tell throughout the alpha testing process. But there were certain things they just couldn't budge on without changing gears, so this is the result. I'm glad that Perfect World is actually letting them do this. I didn't really expect that at all since their focus seems to be MMOs with heavy monetization.