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Mercenary Kit Idea?

GreenerGreener Member Posts: 430
Crafting something a little different...

MERCENARY: Mercenaries are soldiers who sell their services to the highest bidder. Traveling great distances in harsh conditions for coin and fame, the mercenary is a man or woman who must master a variety of weapons and styles to satisfy his or her employer's needs.
- Begins Proficient (one slot) in Single-Weapon and Two-Weapon Style.
- May not exceed High Mastery (four slots) in any weapon class.


MERCENARY: Mercenaries are soldiers who sell their services to the highest bidder. Traveling great distances in harsh conditions for coin and fame, the mercenary is a man or woman who must master a variety of weapons and styles to satisfy his or her employer's needs.
- +1 bonus to hit when using a non-proficient weapon.
- May not exceed High Mastery (four slots) in any weapon class.

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