Tyrants of the Moonsea MAJOR BUG in Arena fight ( UPDATE!!!! STEAM users please read my last 2 posts

Ok, when fighting the Red Minotaur, screen just stays put Maalir runs off on the podium and announcer and Innovator of Pain on the right just stand there. PLEASE PLEASE if someone knows how I can use script commands to forward the game. Cant continue at all. I'm so surprised nobody else is really talking about this. I was able to get past Magic Golem by moving (Using the jump button) announcer "closer" to me when cut-scene happens and he speaks to me,but this action doesn't work when fighting the Red Minotaur. So game is just stuck with my character looking at podium Maalir comes up in middle of podium then leaves , thats it. the announcer is on the right side and Interrogator of Pain is on left of podium ledge. i have the NWNEE version and DLC from Steam and everything is updated on my pc......someone please give me a command or script to run so I can progress in game....ty
PLEASE read my last post. i'm sure I'm not the only person who has done this..!!...:-)...
PLEASE read my last post. i'm sure I'm not the only person who has done this..!!...:-)...
Post edited by SirYugi007 on
But I just downloaded it from Steam, it is the 'new" version. This happened when I finished the magic golem first but I was able to use console commands to get through cutscene. But it doesn't work with the red Minotaur. I always keep everything updated, trust me, gaming works the hell out of a pc. I know that NWNEE is different than NWN1 now. As people on the NWN Vault are experiencing the same issue. Just thought I would say something on Beamdoggie too.Thats how I found out about the commands was on NWN Vault. For me its a game stopper. and also even started with new game, still. I'm kinda leaning on what megamike said here....