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Dwarven Casting Animations

CallirgosCallirgos Member Posts: 105
Do Dwarves have a spell casting animation set, for Arcane magic?
Or are the spell casting anims the same for Arcane and Divine magic?


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,011
    that would be correct in terms of; arcane and divine magic share the same casting animation

    in fact, you can actually tell what spell school a caster is casting from based on the "magic words" the caster uses

    for example;

    any time a caster is casting a spell from the necromancy school they will say; veta mortis cahrah

    so if you hear a caster saying that, chances are that bad news is coming

    also i've found that all the casting chants are some form of latin or some such as you can tell in the above example; mortis has to deal with death, hence the reason why they used it for the necromancy school
  • CallirgosCallirgos Member Posts: 105
    "manis potentus porum"
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