HR 12.50 Base Update preview

12.50A Latest Update
* Updated petrify so you have the option to die or wait for help in multi-player or die in single player.
* Updated Companion Control feat description to explain it use.
* Updated Summon nature's ally 1 to wolf and match book creature stats.
* Added Slyvan bonus language for druids and updated druid class feat info to match.
* Updated All animal companions / Familiars to level 20. Still need update any special abilities and Improved familars.
* Updated standard torches to 1/1 durability.
* Added custom function
//Get the Row of the deity of target in hr_deities.2da.
int HR_GetDeityRow(object oPC)
* Added Augment Summoning feat.
* Added Detect Evil Spell-ability for Paladin.
* Renamed Cs_SpellFeat1.69 hak to HR_SpellFeat.
* Updated hr_deities.2da with new column Holysymboltag for if you want to check for holy symbol for turning undead.
* Updated .2da related to latest stable update classes.2da, racialtypes.2da
* Added ruleset.2da
* Ruleset change / Removed the bonus AC from tumble (not in 3.5) updated skill information to match.
* Ruleset change / Removed the S.T. Bonus from Spell craft (not in 3.5) updated skill information to match.
* Ruleset change / Fixed the max distance for ranged sneak attack because it was set to min. distance range causing it not to fire when it should.
* Ruleset change / Up the distance of range attack so there less of attack penalty.
* Moved OFH hak into HR_ITEMS hak.
* Added HR BASE / Religious palette category to custom items and custom placables
* Added 19 Deity cloaks and Torch(holy symbols) from the player handbook.
These are the deities.
Boccob, Correllon, Ehlonna, Erythnul, Fharlanghn, Garl Glittergold, Gruumsh, Heironeous, Hextor, Kord, Moradin, Nerull, Obad-hai, Olidammara Pelor, St. Cuthbert, Vecna, Wee Jas and Yondalla.
* Added override version of Bedroll, Candlebra, Table, bench, chair and stool placables from BD graphic sample and clean up some issue with them like texture issues and missing bottom mesh.
Added 5 statues extracted from the tileset, 1 wall mount stone shield,1 stone cauldron and 3 Pedastals / altars into placables.
* Added override version of standard chicken model and two variants with Zwerkules version, fix missing bottom of feet. Added portraits for the two variants. (he has also fixed the feet now)
* Added override variant Aribeth model, Aribeth evil model with legs(no dress) and armor and mounted versions with portraits.
* Added open face book items / placables from NWN2 / thegeorge modified pages to have more vertices and added 10 variants.
* Added (WIP) Stone giant, just need shadows and spec/normal mapping.
* Fixed slime placables not looking the same with static vs non-static.
* Finishing banners and altars of the deities.
Thing are subject to change before release.
* Updated petrify so you have the option to die or wait for help in multi-player or die in single player.
* Updated Companion Control feat description to explain it use.
* Updated Summon nature's ally 1 to wolf and match book creature stats.
* Added Slyvan bonus language for druids and updated druid class feat info to match.
* Updated All animal companions / Familiars to level 20. Still need update any special abilities and Improved familars.
* Updated standard torches to 1/1 durability.
* Added custom function
//Get the Row of the deity of target in hr_deities.2da.
int HR_GetDeityRow(object oPC)
* Added Augment Summoning feat.
* Added Detect Evil Spell-ability for Paladin.
* Renamed Cs_SpellFeat1.69 hak to HR_SpellFeat.
* Updated hr_deities.2da with new column Holysymboltag for if you want to check for holy symbol for turning undead.
* Updated .2da related to latest stable update classes.2da, racialtypes.2da
* Added ruleset.2da
* Ruleset change / Removed the bonus AC from tumble (not in 3.5) updated skill information to match.
* Ruleset change / Removed the S.T. Bonus from Spell craft (not in 3.5) updated skill information to match.
* Ruleset change / Fixed the max distance for ranged sneak attack because it was set to min. distance range causing it not to fire when it should.
* Ruleset change / Up the distance of range attack so there less of attack penalty.
* Moved OFH hak into HR_ITEMS hak.
* Added HR BASE / Religious palette category to custom items and custom placables
* Added 19 Deity cloaks and Torch(holy symbols) from the player handbook.
These are the deities.
Boccob, Correllon, Ehlonna, Erythnul, Fharlanghn, Garl Glittergold, Gruumsh, Heironeous, Hextor, Kord, Moradin, Nerull, Obad-hai, Olidammara Pelor, St. Cuthbert, Vecna, Wee Jas and Yondalla.
* Added override version of Bedroll, Candlebra, Table, bench, chair and stool placables from BD graphic sample and clean up some issue with them like texture issues and missing bottom mesh.
Added 5 statues extracted from the tileset, 1 wall mount stone shield,1 stone cauldron and 3 Pedastals / altars into placables.
* Added override version of standard chicken model and two variants with Zwerkules version, fix missing bottom of feet. Added portraits for the two variants. (he has also fixed the feet now)
* Added override variant Aribeth model, Aribeth evil model with legs(no dress) and armor and mounted versions with portraits.
* Added open face book items / placables from NWN2 / thegeorge modified pages to have more vertices and added 10 variants.
* Added (WIP) Stone giant, just need shadows and spec/normal mapping.
* Fixed slime placables not looking the same with static vs non-static.
* Finishing banners and altars of the deities.
Thing are subject to change before release.