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BMU music files should be in hak now, right? HAK editor doesn't seem to allow it.

So, what do you guys use then to put .bmu music files inside hak?



  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    edited February 2020
    nwhak works fine for me.

    It is definitely possible to put a .bmu (or any other file) in a hak.

    I haven't tested whether music actually plays from a hak - this was announced in v1.79.

    Prior to that, it was customary to use the music folder, of course.
  • jpsweeney94jpsweeney94 Member Posts: 98
    edited February 2020
    NWHak doesn't allow BMU files for me either. Other types of files work fine. Not sure if they have plans to add the functionality or not.
    I haven't tested whether music actually plays from a hak - this was announced in v1.79.
    It does in fact work, we use Haks for music on our server so it can be included in NWSync.

    Take a look at this thread at the linked comment and read the next couple posts:

    I had the same problem.

  • PaphjortPaphjort Member Posts: 25
    thx for your answers.
    Proleric : Since nwhak works for you, do you have a newer version of nwhak.exe? Could you upload it to the vault if it handles .bmu files?

    Jpsweeney94: Thx, i've looked at the thread and will probably try using the tools linked there, although it seems a bit convoluted... Have you encountered other tools out there that can do it?

    Thx, Pap
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    @Paphjort I'm still using the nwhak that shipped with 1.69.

    Has the EE version been updated?

    The 1.69 version seems to have no checks at all on the extensions of imported files.
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