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Did Baldur's Gate Stray Too Much From The Original?

AdventSignAdventSign Member Posts: 96
GUI, Cut scenes, anything else that's different from the original. Include your likes/dislikes about it as well.
  1. Did Baldur's Gate Stray Too Much From The Original?43 votes
    1. Yes (or mostly yes)
    2. No (or mostly no)
    3. Somewhat (Please specify issues/complaints)
    4. Haven't Played Enough To Answer


  • PomPom Member Posts: 9
    I do not like running into a Dire Wolf when coming out of Candlekeep ;-)
  • AdventSignAdventSign Member Posts: 96
    Pom said:

    I do not like running into a Dire Wolf when coming out of Candlekeep ;-)

    XD Lol...not REALLY what I was talking about...but thats a good point.
  • SarevokokSarevokok Member Posts: 171
    Not a fan of this UI, how far you're zoomed out is annoying but getting used to it. Don't even try to mention that shitzoom to me. But I love the spells. Black Pits is really fun for me. The cut scene with Gorion was awesome, mage fights are quite more fun now with the BG2 spells rolling in. The new cinematics are terrible. Probably my strongest feelings about this so far, just made it into Baldur's Gate.

    The new NPCs, love Neera and Dorn, not even interested in Rasaad.
  • AdventSignAdventSign Member Posts: 96
    I believe they simply tried to do too much to a game which is pretty outdated and was made differently than "modern" games currently are. I think many people would have payed just to see Baldur's Gate with Mods either installed or having the option to install them through a folder of some sort. I could be wrong but I would have (although $20 is a bit high, the convenience to install it, for instance on my laptop, would be worth it to me). Am I wrong?
  • AdventSignAdventSign Member Posts: 96
    Hmm...maybe I'll remake the poll in two or three weeks. See how people feel then.
  • xxxsmb1987xxxxxxsmb1987xxx Member Posts: 280
    I love Neera Dorn is pretty cool as well Rasaads stupid ass is doing round houses in Nashkel saying the say line over and over and over again like a asshole almost like the dev were going its me its me im new pick me pick me!!!! ugh he is prob still doing round houses as of right now =/
  • AdventSignAdventSign Member Posts: 96

    I love Neera Dorn is pretty cool as well Rasaads stupid ass is doing round houses in Nashkel saying the say line over and over and over again like a asshole almost like the dev were going its me its me im new pick me pick me!!!! ugh he is prob still doing round houses as of right now =/

    I THINK that is a bug....not sure though. I hope it is XD
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    I was fearing it would stray too far, everyone knows that about me.

    There are a couple little things that are irking me slightly but so far I am very impressed with how true they stayed to Vanilla BG ... bravo Overhaul.
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