Heh, this reminds me once of this NWN mod I once ran as a DM. My players were getting up into the epic-levels, so as a quest reward, I crafted a special item for them... "Bucknard's Everfull Purse." Some of you tabletop players may know what that is, but essentially it's a bag of endless gold. When you use the item, you get 1 GP. You can do this infinitely for infinite gold, but... who would really sit there for hours and hours just to get 1 GP at a time? XD
Fortunately for my poor players, I allowed them to trade the "priceless artifact" to a Djinni Prince NPC some sessions later in exchange for some powerful magic items to confront the BBEG.
Fortunately for my poor players, I allowed them to trade the "priceless artifact" to a Djinni Prince NPC some sessions later in exchange for some powerful magic items to confront the BBEG.