[DISCOVERY] You can add columns to itemprops.2da
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Not sure if this has been "discovered" before, but you can add new item type columns to itemprops.2da, define the new column in the "PropColumn" field of baseitems.2da and the properties will be accessible in the toolset.
I discovered this while looking to add the "Cast Spell" property to gems. Rather than modify column "17_No_Props" in itemprops.2da, I added a new column labeled "24_Gems" to the 2da, after the "Label" column. Now, when I edit or create a gem in the toolset, it has "Cast Spell" available on its list of properties.
I have uploaded copies of the 2das to my Google Drive so you can see for yourself.
Now for some playtesting....
I discovered this while looking to add the "Cast Spell" property to gems. Rather than modify column "17_No_Props" in itemprops.2da, I added a new column labeled "24_Gems" to the 2da, after the "Label" column. Now, when I edit or create a gem in the toolset, it has "Cast Spell" available on its list of properties.
I have uploaded copies of the 2das to my Google Drive so you can see for yourself.
Now for some playtesting....
NOTE: Any new columns added to itemprops.2da MUST be added to the END of the 2da, after the "Label" column.
To the contributors of the lexicon out here...
Don't know if this the right place to start, but how about to add some of those discovered things to the lexicon?
Lexicon has no iformations on 2DAs nor any category for them. Ie. no place where could I write that. What Pstermarie found is new (for me at least, but as always when you make a statement like this there will always be peoples claiming they knew that for years), but not really unexpected. Personally, the existing categories covers all my needs, so this is not useful knowhow for me.
Currently I am collecting some of them in my own little 'wiki'. But if there is a official way to document those, it's better way to use that (my own isn't reachable over internet).
I don't know why the community can't host it's own wiki like on the vault
There is one but it's grossly underused. Look here.