Returning 2.0 - The most ambitions mod and the closest thing to a GOOD remake that we have

in Off-Topic
Gothic 1 remake teaser had like 95% of approval among the people who answered the survey BUT if you look to steam achievements page of the game, most people did like myself and rage quitted after the first battle(around 2/3 of player base) and the survey link only got send after the game was complete. That said, for those who wanna a play Gothic 1 or Gothic 2 with modern graphics, i recommend the mod Returning. A picture of a necromancer in returning with the graphical changes

Yep. This game wasa made in 2002 - From Sinitar Gaming(youtuber)
That said, i will advice that the mod is not perfect.
The cons :
The pros
The neutral
I recommend Returning 2 for those who wanna play a Gothic experience with modern graphics. As well, new quests, new enemies, new places and a extremely challenging experience.
A quick gameplay . The graphics are not that good exactly because i an playing in a low end notebook with playonlinux + wine and recording. I din't installed the DX11 stuff.
And a installation guide

Yep. This game wasa made in 2002 - From Sinitar Gaming(youtuber)
That said, i will advice that the mod is not perfect.
The cons :
- Too hard to install
- The translation to English is not good; It made very hard to know who i need to kill in the monastery in order to be accepted as a Dark magician aka necromancer. Also made very hard to find the reagents to make my Spear of Darkness spell. This is not a problem for Russian speakers. Is frustrating to spend LP to learn the circle 3, then LP to learn how to craft the spell and be unable to craft because you don't know what reagents are.
- Too much power creep. On Gothic 1, as a circle 3 magician, i had problems engaging orcs. And shadowbeasts, i need at least circle 3 to have little chance and circle 4 to reliable take then down. On G2, is far harder. But on Gothic 2 returning, i killed shadow beasts when i got circle 1 magic. And at end game, according to some videos that i saw, you can summon armies of Archdevils. At this point i wonder if you serves Beliar or Beliar serves you... But even with this con, the game still extremely hard.
The pros
- Much more options. You can become a Xardas apprentice, something impossible on G2 despite Xardas being the guy who teaches circle 6 for you in the first game. Can also become a Water Mage despite Saturas not liking you due G1 reasons.
- Much more skills and weapons. Polearms, shields, etc.
- Much better graphics.
- Much more hours of content. Not only on the main story line, but also quests depending your guild. You can even learn demoniac language if you are a necromancer(and it is not easy)
- The mod is huge. Took me almost 50 hours to complete only the chapter 1 and 2. And i din't started with most optional content yet. Some people on the worldofgothic argue that the game is 250 hours long
- Magic is not broken like original Gothic 2. Ice Block freezes stops when you attack enemies. Fear works in way less creatures. You can no longer cheeze even seekers with ice block + melee attacks. The duration of transformations are far more limited and summoning magic now has a mana upkeep. More skeletons you have, more mana per second it will consume. Offensive magic that was trash on original gothic 2, is now much more viable.
The neutral
- Too hard. Most of sleeping and eating features can be turned off if you choose "easy", but the game tends to have way a lot of powerful enemies to face you. Raven for example, took 8 tries for me to """"defeat"""" him and his encounter is nothing like the base game. Gothic 2 is already extremely hard for modern standards. This mod makes the game far harder. And is not only the combat who is hard. Get 30 INT(one of the requirements to become a necromancer) took so much time and effort that i literally backuped my save in case that my computer stops working. You get INT by performing intellectual tasks, reading books(that are expensive), using alchemy, etc.
- Some story lines that makes no sense. For example, Xardas instead of a Dark Magician who uses dark magaic against Beliar agenda is apparently someone who serves Beliar in many parts and fight against him in others. The Swamp Camp gurus are also back despite having no reason to then exist after the fall of Barrier on G1. It by one side create a lot of interesting content, As a necromancer this is more exaggerated. In one day you are killing the most pure follower of Innos and in another you are working with Innos followers to get the Eye of Innos back from Beliar's followers. Not saying that the original Gothic 2 was perfect in this aspect. A fire magician paying at Beliar's shrine to get runes that summons undead makes no sense.
I recommend Returning 2 for those who wanna play a Gothic experience with modern graphics. As well, new quests, new enemies, new places and a extremely challenging experience.
A quick gameplay . The graphics are not that good exactly because i an playing in a low end notebook with playonlinux + wine and recording. I din't installed the DX11 stuff.
And a installation guide
Some battles from chapter 1 to 4 as a necromancer.
Why necromancy on returning 2.0 is so special?
So far i an loving the addon to G2. Arcanum had also good necromancy, where you could even conjure spirits to talk to then. Diablo 2 too had a amazing necromancy, but i on't think that nothing reaches the same level of this game with the returning 2.0 add on...